No sky is heavy if the heart be light

Honest hearts produce honest actions.

I'm definitely a pop artist at heart.

Modesty needs to come from the heart.

God hid the whole world in thy heart.

The intellect seeks, the heart finds.

The actor is an athlete of the heart.

The best hearts are ever the bravest.

The heart of a man is like deep water

Absinthe makes the heart grow fonder.

There is no disorder but the heart's.

Friendship is the bread of the heart.

The heart is what matters most of all

Now my belly is as noble as my heart.

Heart disease is a foodborne illness.

My heart was beating out of my chest.

Attentiveness is the heart of prayer.

We should count time by heart-throbs.

You know hearts these days are cheap.

The hands are the heart's messengers.

Delicious tears! The heart's own dew.

Nonsense makes the heart grow fonder.

I lost my head/when I found my heart.

Plant a Seed so your Heart will Grow.

I have a big heart and a small brain.

I'd love to be a pop star - at heart.

Purity of heart is to will one thing.

Secrets of the heart are seldom news.

Initiative is at the heart of manhood

When the heart is dry the eye is dry.

Music is the key to the female heart.

To lead, you must touch men's hearts.

Gratitude is the heart of Friendship.

The only sins are violations of Love.

Even the heart in time may grow cold.

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

He has a heart of gold - only harder.

The heart of another is a dark forest.

America is a willingness of the heart.

Our hearts are lamps for ever burning.

Kindle in thy heart the flame of love.

Politics is largely a matter of heart.

I am freedom and I will eat your heart

Hope burns eternal in the human heart.

One loving heart sets another on fire.

Reggae is my heart ♥ reggae is my soul

To measure the man, measure his heart.

My heart is breaking for a little love

I love comedy. It's where my heart is.

Love reigns a very tyrant in my heart.

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