Here or nowhere is our heaven.

Heaven is the presence of God.

Drinks, fans and snow - heaven

Heaven is satisfied curiosity.

I have a high priest in heaven

Nor is heaven always at peace.

In heaven it is always autumn.

Each man dreams his own heaven.

Breath of Heaven breathe on us.

We must bear what Heaven sends.

Sincerity is the way to heaven.

There is perfect love in heaven!

I'm ensuring my place in heaven.

Gratitude, in itself, is heaven.

Music is the language of heaven.

Heaven means to be one with God.

I wish the rent Was heaven sent.

I wonder if heaven got a ghetto?

The gate of heaven is everywhere.

Innocence has a friend in heaven.

I'd rather die than go to heaven.

Flowers are heaven's masterpiece.

Now: heaven knows, anything goes.

My idea of heaven is not writing.

To go to Mass is to go to Heaven.

When heaven breaks, who fixes it?

Am I good enough to go to Heaven?

I guess heaven needed a shortstop.

Lucky men are favorites of Heaven.

The cross is the ladder to heaven.

Life is the flash in black heavens.

Beholding heaven, and feeling hell.

Heaven's harmony is universal love.

Patch up thine old body for heaven.

If God is in Heaven, Hell is empty.

As high as Heaven, as deep as Hell.

Everyone of us has a heaven inside.

Heaven looks a lot like New Jersey.

Dream Song: The heavens Go with me.

I'll make my heaven in a lady's lap

A star on earth - a star in heaven.

Both heaven and hell are within us.

The family is the pattern of heaven.

Heaven suits the back to the burden.

Heaven is a house with porch lights.

Families are the treasure of heaven.

There is no heaven like mutual love.

Heaven is not made for the slothful.

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you.

Heaven lieth at the feet of mothers.

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