Help thyself and Heaven will help thee.

Sell my old clothes - I'm off to heaven

Moderation, the noblest gift of Heaven.

Musicians are the architects of heaven.

Heaven made virtue; man, the appearance.

She got to go to heaven four days early.

Help yourself, and Heaven will help you.

Hawaii can be heaven and it can be hell.

O Luxury! thou curst by Heaven's decree!

A happy family is but an earlier heaven.

Whoever dies will be rewarded by heaven.

The self holds both a hell and a heaven.

God owns heaven but He craves the earth.

Don't wait till you die to go to heaven.

Heaven must be a Kentucky kind of place.

Heaven gives its favourites-early death.

All these books are published in Heaven.

If Bach is not in Heaven, I am not going!

Heaven would never be heaven without you.

If there's a heaven, I hope to hell I go!

Grace in the soul is heaven in that soul.

This is heaven. You can stop praying now.

I had a dream I can buy my way to heaven.

Let justice be done tho the heavens fall.

Every man must get to Heaven his own way.

By Heaven, I love thee better than myself

Hearts at peace, under an English heaven.

Nobody could stand an eternity of Heaven.

What hell condemned, let heaven now heal.

Knowing heaven is what heals us on earth.

I thank you, God, in Heaven, for friends.

Thank heaven, I am free and safe at last!

I think Heaven will be like a first kiss.

Ye stars! which are the poetry of heaven!

Respect is heaven, respect is liberation.

We grow to heaven. We don't go to heaven.

When I get to Heaven, I'll want to fight.

The memory of the just survives in Heaven.

O my offense is rank, it smells to heaven.

Nothing but heaven is impregnable to vice.

You're as close to heaven as I'll ever be.

I called my training camp Fighter's Heaven

Heaven is a state of mind, not a location.

A revival means days of heaven upon earth.

Waiting for the spark from heaven to fall.

The greatest attribute of Heaven is mercy.

With the rain, falls the wisdom of heaven.

Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near.

Do your duty and leave the rest to heaven.

Heaven is all around, Translated to sound.

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