How blind men are to Heaven's gifts!

Heaven is for those who think of it.

Heaven lies about us in our infancy.

Heav'n is not always got by running.

Marriage is destinie, made in heaven.

Jesus is the only true way to Heaven.

I've been shucked and gone to heaven.

To the heavens on the wings of a pig.

Human nature is what Heaven supplies.

HEAVEN: The big apartheid in the sky.

Human nature is what Heaven supplies.

Sometimes it's hell getting to heaven

What a heaven is love! O what a hell!

A view of heaven from a seat in hell.

Heaven is neither a place nor a time.

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun.

Heaven is to be at peace with things.

Heaven lies around us in our infancy.

I love thee, as the good love heaven.

A gate to nature is a gate to heaven!

there are no nationalities in heaven.

Baseball is Heaven's gift to mortals.

I look through the grave into heaven.

Heaven for climate, Hell for company.

Each of us has heaven and hell in him.

The love of heaven makes one heavenly.

All true patriots will meet in heaven.

Joy is the serious business of heaven.

My idea of heaven is a pennant winner.

For love is heaven and heaven is love.

... Love is heaven and claims its own.

If I go to hell, then heavens to blame

Hell is everything. Heaven is nothing.

Heaven give you many, many merry days.

Heaven is dumb, echoing only the dumb.

Earth is heaven. Or hell. Your choice.

Heaven trims our lamps while we sleep.

A noble deed is a step towards heaven.

The sweetest music this side of heaven.

Hell trembles at a heaven-directed eye.

Victory puts us on a level with heaven.

We are but as the instrument of Heaven.

O what a heaven is love! O what a hell!

Mountains are where heaven meets earth.

Listen to and sing the music of heaven.

No man can resolve himself into Heaven.

Look for me in the nurseries of Heaven.

Noble discontent is the path to heaven.

A happy family is but an ealier heaven.

'Cause you can't buy a house in heaven!

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