Vodka is kind of a hobby.

It's good to have hobbies.

Beware the hobby that eats.

Being charming is my hobby.

Painting is a hobby for me.

My hobby is fishing for girls.

I have a lot of random hobbies.

My hobbies are run-on sentences.

The music stuff is just a hobby.

I don't really have any hobbies.

My hobby is my job. it's a jobby!

I don't think I have any hobbies.

Decorating has always been my hobby.

You need to make good health a hobby.

All Chess players should have a hobby

A hobby a day keeps the doldrums away.

I don't have hobbies. I have passions.

I don't really like the word 'hobbies.'

Ballin's not a hobby, it's my occupation

I have only one real hobby - my husband.

I can't relax. I don't have any hobbies.

Music is my life - acting's just a hobby.

Politics is my hobby. Smut is my vocation.

Work is my hobby, staying sober is my job.

Apple doesn't do hobbies as a general rule.

Golf isn't just my business, it's my hobby.

I don't have any hobbies. Music is my hobby.

Delaying death is one of my favorite hobbies

My life is a life of hobbies and enthusiasm.

I enjoy my anger, it’s the only hobby I have.

No man is really happy or safe without a hobby.

It's hard to escape when your hobby is your job.

Collecting records is, for many, beyond a hobby.

Acting is my passion and Chelsea FC is my hobby.

As for hobbies, I don't really read or watch TV.

Making people uncomfortable is one of my hobbies.

Writing is a crummy profession, but a good hobby.

In polite society, we call our obsessions hobbies.

Now, when I was in the Army, writing was my hobby.

It's nice to just do my hobby and be able to live.

I do virtually nothing except my work. No hobbies.

Happy is the man who can make a living by his hobby

My hobbies are painting, crafts, and I like golfing.

A hobby is only fun if you don't have time to do it.

Mountaineering has always been a huge hobby of mine.

I have hobbies. I do all sorts of ridiculous things.

I have very few hobbies. In fact, I have no hobbies.

I can elect something I love and absorb myself in it.

You have to keep hobbies in L.A. Otherwise, it's sad.

My hobbies just sort of gradually became my vocation.

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