Goals live on the other side of obstacles and challenges. Be ...

Goals live on the other side of obstacles and challenges. Be relentless in pursuit of those goals, especially in the face of obstacles. Along the way, make no excuses and place no blame.

You don't win by being good. You win with hard work and sacrifice. ...

You don't win by being good. You win with hard work and sacrifice. Without that, skill is just potential.

Hockey's fun.

Canada is hockey.

I'm awful at hockey.

I'm a big hockey fan.

Hockey is just a game.

Hockey is a tough game.

I am a huge hockey fan.

You want it? Work for it.

I'm a regular hockey guy.

I played my age. Not bad.

My job is to score goals.

Its a great day for hockey

When no one else signs me.

He's as old as some trees.

I ain't got time to bleed.

Hockey's my favorite sport.

Hockey is a year-round job.

Effort is a measure of a Man.

I am not a big fan of hockey.

Oh brother we are not worthy!

Just charge me with the usual.

We were really sick of silver.

I feel hockey is a tough game.

If We Lose...We're All Screwed.

Chess isn't football or hockey.

He's skating like he's 36 again.

I played every sport but hockey.

I didn't know much about hockey.

Basically, I don't like anybody.

I just tape four Tylenols to it.

HIL is a boon for Indian hockey.

In the playoffs will beats skill.

I heard Rolex makes nice watches.

Every boo on the road is a cheer.

Oh, yes, I love sleepless nights.

I'll always be Number 1 to myself.

Hockey and soccer weren't my thing.

Playing goal is like being shot at.

I'm not dumb enough to be a goalie.

I tried hockey, but it never stuck.

It showed nothing. I'm not pregnant.

Ah, my sister used to hit me harder.

The kids just aren't the same today.

Every day is a great day for hockey.

Ever since he's been a little boo-aw.

The kid looks good in his first game.

Hockey is the original extreme sport.

I told her they must all be sold out.

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