L.A. was never me. Nashville is my home.

Home was never a safe place for me. I felt safer on the streets.

I have a necklace around my neck that my lady gave me, so I try never to leave home without that.

I never thought of playing for any other franchise other than CSK. Chennai is my second home. Fans here have adopted me as one of their own.

I was very independent growing up, but there were things that were bothering me that I never told anybody. I would talk to our animals at home.

I didn't connect with the kids. I was in the studio. I never saw the kids. I hoped they liked it, of course. And then I'd go write some more. And then I'd go buy me a home. Very American.

It's funny in the U.K., where I'm not really known because I never did a soap. My English cousins in the Lake District think I'm not a real actor because they've never seen me in 'Home and Away' or 'Neighbours.'

I'd never been one for leaving the comforts of home. That person wasn't me; I didn't spend my formative years youth-hostelling round Rwanda or climbing Everest in a tie-dye playsuit to raise awareness of something or other.

I was interviewed for a Grammy television show, and they asked me about Nashville, and I talked for three minutes and when I finished, I was teared up. The whole room was crying. Nashville has given me a home, where I never had a home before.

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