My personal opinion about the world is that it's homogenized.

I'm afraid that everything will get homogenized and be the same.

I lived in Park Slope, which is probably one of the most homogenized areas of Brooklyn. No offense to Park Slope.

Romance is dead - it was acquired in a hostile takeover by Hallmark and Disney, homogenized, and sold off piece by piece.

Everything's always about being homogenized and following in a group. The people who stand out always have the most problems.

The best things and best people rise out of their separateness; I'm against a homogenized society because I want the cream to rise.

It baffles me that everything is so homogenized, because the world isn't, and yet we continue to support things that are so incredibly milquetoast.

We live in a homogenized world, where it's hard to get excited when everything is slick and professional. The interesting things are the dull things.

Everything has been homogenized. Over time, with television and jet travel, everybody has blended together. Some of our wonderful charm has been lost.

There are many different artforms that are just being lost because the whole digital revolution has homogenized everything, turned it all into Walmart.

Country has become too homogenized and too commercial. It has lost what makes it special. It's great that it's popular, but then it starts to become watered down.

It seems like the world's major cities are getting more and more homogenized, so I think it's important to go off-road and find treasures in offbeat destinations.

Now that I'm a wiser, older human, when I do photo shoots, I specifically say, 'Please do not airbrush my moles out.' Because they will do it, to make you homogenized.

Too often, you see film makers from other countries who have made interesting, original films, and then they come here and get homogenized into being hack Hollywood directors. I don't want to fall into that.

Why, on my mother's birthday, am I thinking about 'Father Knows Best?' At our house, mother knew best at least as often as father did, but then the title of the old sitcom, a homogenized portrait of American family life, was meant to be slightly sardonic.

Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and I were so different from each other. I was doing very young movies, and Marilyn, who was ahead of me, was doing a lot of homogenized movies that weren't quite as wild as the ones I was doing. Jayne was more of a character of herself.

For a lot of people, groups, Christians included, issues are homogenized. And so to be a Christian, I'm either this staunch, conservative Republican, or I'm this tree-hugging liberal. You're stereotyped. It's almost assumed that people know what your issues are going to be.

Life on the planet is being homogenized by the expanding human population and the frequent and rapid movement of people and goods, which carry invasive organisms with them. These invasives often flourish in their new ecosystems because, like the woolly adelgid, they have escaped their predators.

The enemies of acting are mood and attitude and other general homogenized disruptive entities. Whereas acting is about action - doing - and unless you can figure out a way to craft in an imaginative reality to which you don't submit, you're going to be out of control. You'll flip out. The job is to be surprised.

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