All we are saying is give peace a chance.

What greater gift than the love of a cat.

While the cat's away, the mice will play.

Without humility there can be no humanity.

Dressing down is a crime against humanity.

The school is the manufactory of humanity.

He who understands humanity seeks solitude

The cat is, above all things, a dramatist.

In the name of God and humanity I protest!

Creativity has got to start with humanity.

Humanity in its basic form is co-humanity.

The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat.

Capitalism is the worst enemy of humanity.

I love humanity, it's people I don't like.

When I touch a human hand, I touch heaven.

My cat speaks sign language with her tail.

If untouchability lives, humanity must die.

Humanity is the crime; God is the criminal.

[T]he historian lays humanity on the couch.

Humanity cannot be degraded by humiliation.

On personal integrity hangs humanity's fate

We are the hurdles we leap to be ourselves.

History must stay open, it is all humanity.

I love humanity, I love the way people look

That's all nonviolence is - organized love.

Capitalism is the worst friend of humanity.

Seen from the moon we are all the same size.

It takes all kinds to make a world go round.

Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.

Story, finally, is humanity's autobiography.

Prosperity cannot be divorced from humanity.

Remember your humanity, and forget the rest.

It is easier to make war than to make peace.

As a rule it is circumstances that make men.

humanity is a cancer on the body of the world

All that we can't say is all we need to hear.

I am for Socialism because I am for humanity.

Man is emphatically a proselytizing creature.

Soil, not oil, holds the future for humanity.

Genius, like humanity, rusts for want of use.

Nothing human disgusts me unless it's unkind.

The Bahá´í Faith is consolation for humanity.

Time, that most abstract of humanity's homes.

We are all cells in the same body of humanity.

History is the self-consciousness of humanity.

Cities are the greatest creations of humanity.

If I bet on humanity, I'd never cash a ticket.

A movie is about human beings, about humanity.

I have a long-term interest in the humanities.

The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity.

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