There can be no peace without law.

Humanity is constitutionally lazy.

I can't relate to 99% of humanity.

My work is about helping humanity.

To eat is human, to digest, divine

Humanity hungers for the uncommon.

Man is a substance clad in shadows.

The best of humanity is philosophy.

To be human means to feel inferior.

No religion is higher than humanity

Humanity always becomes a conqueror.

Liberty, Humanity, Justice, Equality

Humanity is just a virus with shoes.

Human kind cannot bear much reality.

The human is the only guilty animal.

Peace, like charity, begins at home.

Humanity is the equity of the heart.

Paradise is too perfect for humanity.

Literature is the memory of humanity.

Focus on humanity, not on technology.

Comedy is the only hope for humanity.

Politeness is the flower of humanity.

The proper study of mankind is woman.

Peace is the only battle worth waging.

Art should be on the side of humanity.

I won't trade humanity for patriotism.

Capital dictates the fate of humanity.

Envy does not allow humanity to sleep.

I see myself as a witness to humanity.

God save us from people who mean well.

More than machinery, we need humanity.

We are blind to each other's humanity.

Common sense is the genius of humanity.

A guru is not a crutch, he is a bridge.

Love is the crowning grace of humanity.

Humanity is outraged in me and with me.

No moral value is greater than humanity.

Christ’s humanity occasions our divinity

No such thing as humanity without flaws.

Tampering with humanity is pretty scary.

What a bummer it is to be a human being.

Scientific knowledge belongs to humanity.

Economics is on the side of humanity now.

Literature is humanity talking to itself.

When the State withers, humanity flowers.

The man of humanity delights in mountains

Writing is a way of sharing our humanity.

I am as vigilant as a cat to steal cream.

Humanity is best described as inhumanity.

Humanity, you never had it to begin with.

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