Humanity, divine limitation; Divinity, human perfection.

Creativity is the marriage humanity makes with eternity.

The hand of fate had dipped into the ragbag of humanity.

For me, with me, making a film is always about humanity.

Every child comes into this world as a gift to humanity.

But hearing oftentimes The still, sad music of humanity.

Like people, a picture has a skeleton, muscles and skin.

The better organized the state, the duller its humanity.

For me, with me, making a film is always about humanity.

I’m more concerned about helping humanity through my art

Humanity does not come with citizenship or a green card.

The story of one person is the story of all of humanity.

A man's simplicity is the beauty of his humanity in life.

I prefer the most unfair peace to the most righteous war.

I like showing the gritty truthful dark side of humanity.

The level of evolution in this world is not exactly high.

Oblivion is the rule and fame the exception, of humanity.

The age of Chivalry is gone. An age of Humanity has come.

The health of our seas determines the future of humanity.

Peace is the harvest of love as war is the fruit of hate.

The more materiality there is, the less humanity there is

Man is the only animal that can be skinned more than once.

The main thing in life is not to be afraid of being human.

All the world is my school and all humanity is my teacher.

Men sometimes have strange motives for the things they do.

This is a place where the strong often victimize the weak.

The more man realises his humanity, the lonelier he feels.

Humanity's moral conscience progresses, slowly yet surely.

The Nuclear Industry is conducting a war against humanity.

I think humans will find their humanity sometime, somehow.

Sometimes humanity is the reason we can't have nice things

Flowers seem intended for the solace of ordinary humanity.

Without lies humanity would perish of despair and boredom.

Those who sentimentally indulge humanity do it no favours.

If you lose touch with nature you lose touch with humanity.

I worry about the Israeli moral standard, Israeli humanity.

Poetry has been the guardian angel of humanity in all ages.

And if humanity is the last war, then I am the battlefield.

Making peace, I have found, is much harder than making war.

If you wish to experience peace, provide peace for another.

And all, but Lust, is turned to dust In Humanity's machine.

I care about the human race, and I strive to understand it.

The appreciation of pleasure can be the anchor of humanity.

The age of chivalry has gone; the age of humanity has come.

If he turned his back on humanity now, it would be forever.

The dancer will not belong to a nation but to all humanity.

Get to know the poor in your country. Love them. Serve them.

Poetry, far more than fiction, reveals the soul of humanity.

Religion [is] the universal obsessional neurosis of humanity

Humanity needs a vision of an expanding and unending future.

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