I am scared every day.

I am so homesick every day of the week.

Every day I am inspired by what's possible.

I am on the phone with my sisters every day.

Every day that I am healthy, I want to use that day to its fullest now.

I am super proud of being an American, but we fail our veterans every day.

I am born every day and make my debut every day. Others pile on the years.

I was born old and get younger every day. At present I am sixty years young.

I am enjoying every day of being in the film industry and have no regrets at all.

I still play the fiddle every day. I'm afraid if I don't, it won't know who I am.

I am a huge fan of big cotton underpants; they're comfortable. I wear them every day.

I promise I will get up every day, determined to make a difference... I am ready to serve.

I make sure I'm smiling every day, I'm laughing every day, no matter how sore or achy I am or whatever.

I find I have to touch what I am working on every day, or a deep-seated dread kicks in that is very hard to overcome.

I still have a Japanese passport. I haven't become an American citizen, and I am worried about getting deported every day.

I try to live every day and realize that there are so many folks working hard to try to get to where I am and how fortunate that I am.

All I am doing every day is soaking in everything - I'm like a sponge, from all these award-winning directors, writers, and actors - as much as I can.

I am very gender fluid and feel more like I wake up every day sort of gender neutral. I cop a fair bit of flack for going from 'such a babe to such a boy.'

Now about those ghosts. I'm sure they're here and I'm not half so alarmed at meeting up with any of them as I am at having to meet the live nuts I have to see every day.

Whenever I am in Delhi, I gain around 2 kg weight as I eat out almost every day. I am a vegetarian and there are so many options available here that I can barely resist.

You know why I'm so confident? Because I am working so hard every day. That's why I am different than the other fighters and my opponents and the challengers. That's why.

My mother was there every day of the production. You know what? My mother and I are so close, she really understands the fact that I am 18 and I am maturing. I guess I am not your average 18 year-old.

In primary school, every day and especially on Fridays, I was supposed to say, 'I am Turkish, and I am righteous and hardworking,' But all those things did not actually turn us into Turks. This system is somehow creating fake personalities.

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