I'm sorry. I'm very young.

I'm sorry no one saved you.

It's so unattractive, I'm sorry.

Love is always having to say I'm sorry.

Oh I'm sorry - I don't follow football.

Then I'm sorry to say, I've eat your pie.

I'm sorry for the ducks; I love foie gras.

I'm sorry, I don't listen to country music.

I'm sorry. It's my fault. How do I make it right?

I'm sorry for being me. I won't ever do it again.

It's very hard for me to say I'm sorry... but I do.

I'm sorry, I guess my company leaves a lot to be desired.

We don't have a Steve Jobs here. I'm sorry, but we don't.

I'm sorry, but were you dropped on your head as an infant?

Oh, I'm sorry. Did I interrupt some sort of dominance foreplay?

I’m sorry you asked me out, otherwise maybe I could have liked you.

I'm sorry to myself, for treating me worse than I would anybody else.

He asked for a specific. I gave him a specific. I'm sorry it wasn't puppies.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

I'm sorry," he said again, and this time he took those words and owned them.

I'm sorry that the family I was given has created so much chaos in the family I've chosen.

i'm sorry she never got her miracle. she did get her miracle, Landon, her miracle was you.

There is no peace, I'm sorry to say. We find it. We lose it. We find it again. We lose it again.

I’m sorry.” Once again, those were the words. And now, anytime someone says I’m sorry, I’m going to think of her.

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