Florida doesn't need an immigration law.

Next, we will create a modern immigration law.

Refugee policy is only one part of immigration law needing a drastic overhaul.

Congress makes immigration law. It's that simple. That is how our system works.

Amnesty is a big billboard, a flashing billboard, to the rest of the world that we don't really mean our immigration law.

I served as Attorney General John Ashcroft's chief adviser on immigration law at the U.S. Department of Justice during 2001-03.

Border enforcement coupled with employer sanctions and threatening employers who hire immigration law violators is insufficient.

President Trump is enforcing U.S. immigration law, and in doing so, protecting the well-being and in some cases the lives of U.S. citizens.

I supported Arizona's immigration law by joining in that lawsuit to defend it. Every day I have Texans on that border that are doing their job.

Any MP who deals with immigration a huge amount, which I do, is going to worry about giving powers to the executive to change immigration law without scrutiny.

If we are to believe that our immigration laws simply have no value, as our current policies would have us believe, should we then simply throw them all out, the entire lot of immigration law? I hope not.

The most powerful nation on earth should be able to pass a fair, effective immigration law that combines compassion with responsibility and does not injure hard working Americans who are taxed up to here.

The first thing we need is for President Obama to finally enforce current immigration law and strengthen our borders. To take up any other agenda is bad policy for the American people and bad politics for Republicans.

You reduce illegal immigration by making it harder to get jobs here, or easier to get jobs south of the border. This idea that we can't pass an immigration law until we hit some imaginary security target is just a way to derail reform.

Germany has got to deal with its global responsibilities in a mature way. There has been insufficient thought to immigration law, and we need to differentiate between different kinds of migrants. There are valid refugees whose lives are at risk at home.

No nation can have the policy that whole classes of people are immune from immigration law or enforcement. It was a simple decision by the administration to have a zero tolerance policy for illegal entry, period. The message is that no one is exempt from immigration law.

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