Weakness is the only fault that is incorrigible.

I am an incorrigible coffee geek. I make espresso.

What is it with me? I seem to be an incorrigible black-listee.

I've been anxious but not depressed. I'm an incorrigible optimist.

I'm afraid I'm an incorrigible life-lover, life-wonderer, and adventurer.

I am an incorrigible eavesdropper, so I am very much influenced by what I hear.

I pride myself on being incorrigible. I have a very hard time being told what to do.

If you have never been called a defiant, incorrigible, impossible woman… have faith. There is yet time.

Writers may be disreputable, incorrigible, early to decay or late to bloom but they dare to go it alone.

In every American there is an air of incorrigible innocence, which seems to conceal a diabolical cunning.

It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible nonconformist warmly acclaimed.

Rather nostalgically, I sometimes think I could still play Juliet. Inside, I'm still an incorrigible romantic.

Most nations, as well as people are impossible only in their youth; they become incorrigible as they grow older.

At Libertyville High, I was a bad student, chronic truant, and all-round incorrigible. I was forever being sent to the principal's office to be disciplined.

I was a little, uh, incorrigible as a kid, so the kitchen was a good place to give me structure and balance. It taught me hard work, but then I grew to love it.

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