Envy suggests inferiority.

Quotation confesses inferiority.

I don't have an inferiority complex.

The inferiority of women is man-made.

Envy is a declaration of inferiority.

Fear is the thought of admitted inferiority.

One often has need of one inferior to himself.

Pretend inferiority and encourage his arrogance.

People hate who makes you feel one's inferiority.

Inferiority is what you enjoy in your best friends.

Conceit is an outward manifestation of inferiority.

Inferiority is what you enjoy in your best friends.

Rancor is an outpouring of a feeling of inferiority.

Hatred is public demonstration of inferiority complex.

Most people enjoy the inferiority of their best friends.

We must interpret a bad temper as a sign of inferiority.

People hate those who make them feel their own inferiority.

The Wall was the actual symbol of a defeat, of inferiority.

I have an inferiority complex, but it’s not a very good one.

It is part of a poor spirit to undervalue himself and blush.

Envy always implies conscious inferiority wherever it resides.

All artists are egotistical maniacs with inferiority complexes.

We all have a lifelong habit of inferiority to our full self..."

The superior man blames himself. The inferior man blames others.

I have a huge ego and a huge inferiority complex at the same time.

Superiority and inferiority are individual, not racial or national.

Vince McMahon has the worst inferiority complex of anybody in history.

Wherever an inferiority complex exists, there is a good reason for it.

A man who has not been in Italy, is always conscious of an inferiority.

The most dangerous of all flattery is the inferiority of those about us.

Exaggerated sensitiveness is an expression of the feeling of inferiority.

Female inferiority is internalised by us. Women need a lot more confidence.

The nobler a man, the harder it is for him to suspect inferiority in others.

Strutting and preening is, in fact, the surest sign of an inferiority complex.

All sins have their origin in a sense of inferiority otherwise called ambition.

And see ominous clouds of inferiority beginning to form in her little mental sky.

You have no idea what a poor opinion I have of myself and how little I deserve it.

Jealousy is an inner consciousness of one's own inferiority. It is a mental cancer.

We like to know the weakness of eminent persons; it consoles us for our inferiority.

Remember, 20 percent of women have inferiority complexes, 70 percent have illusions.

The surrender of life is nothing to sinking down into acknowledgment of inferiority.

I don't have a feeling of inferiority. Never had. I'm as good as anybody, but no better.

Even schools for Negroes, then, are places where they must be convinced of their inferiority.

I believe that there's no improvement if you have an inferiority complex and victim mentality.

I used to distinguish between my fiction and nonfiction in terms of superiority or inferiority.

I come from an overly confident place. But I'm overconfident because of feelings of inferiority.

A Kerry footballer with an inferiority complex is one who thinks he's just as good as everybody else.

God will cease to be God, if he brought into being a single person with the hall-mark of inferiority.

Racist assumptions, ethnolinguistic assumptions of inferiority or superiority, are as old as mankind.

The cynicism that regards hero worship as comical is always shadowed by a sense of physical inferiority

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