Nay, droop not, fellows; innocence should be bold.

There is no place for innocence on the battlefield.

It seems, in tragedy, that innocence is not enough.

Nothing looks so like innocence as an indiscretion.

Once you start asking questions, innocence is gone.

One person's trauma is another's loss of innocence.

You either keep your childhood innocence or you rot!

People are entitled to the presumption of innocence.

The last thing I would accuse a cat of is innocence.

Healthy choices thread through every aspect of life.

I use innocence in my demeanor like a Venus flytrap.

They confused beauty with innocence and harmlessness.

Guilt pins a fig-leaf; Innocence is its own adorning.

Innocence seldom utters outraged shrieks. Guilt does.

Innocence gave me confidence to go up against reality.

The innocence which is simply ignorance is not virtue.

Remaining childish is a tremendous state of innocence.

To the innocent there are neither cherubim nor angels.

Government, like dress, is the badge of lost innocence.

Innocence could be considered a discrete state of mind.

Men are as innocent as the morning to the unsuspicious.

Innocence dwells with Wisdom, but never with ignorance.

Through Love and through Beauty, we achieve immortality.

Confession of our faults is the next thing to innocence.

Innocence most often is a good fortune and not a virtue.

Innocence is like polished armor; it adorns and defends.

Alas! innocence is but a poor substitute for experience.

Ignorance is innocence - stupidity comes with experience

Love, wonder, joy & awareness are the gifts of innocence.

What hope is there for innocence if it is not recognized?

One learns one’s mystery at the price of one’s innocence.

Innocence does not find near so much protection as guilt.

In this rat-race everybody's guilty till proved innocent!

Innocence is one of the most exciting things in the world.

There could never be innocence in a world without justice.

all children blackmail their parents with their innocence.

Everyone realized I was the innocent victim of a shakedown.

Innocence is lucky if it finds the same protection as guilt

It's innocence when it charms us, ignorance when it doesn't.

Sometimes a certain innocence is good, but not about yourself.

The courage of children and beasts is a function of innocence.

There are calumnies against which even innocence loses courage.

She wasn't as naive and innocent as she was in the first season.

Experience, which destroys innocence, also leads one back to it.

I would tell you I love you, Sir, if I knew what it was to love.

There may be always a time of innocence. There is never a place.

How but in custom and in ceremony are innocence and beauty born?

I set my heart out to prove my innocence by any means necessary.

I believe in innocence until there's proof of guilt and all that.

Wisdom is the recovery of innocence at the far end of experience.

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