In my youth, I spent my time investigating insects.

I really like investigating the things that make us human.

I'm sure they're investigating everyone who was in the area.

I’m not investigating race as much as I’m investigating intimacy.

I'm constantly investigating nature - nature, meaning everything.

Investigating the forces that hold the nuclear particles together was a long task.

Investigating rare diseases gives researchers more clues about how the healthy immune system functions.

I am fascinated by crime scene investigating. I swear, I wish I was a crime scene investigator sometimes!

Our work in investigating the Oklahoma City bombing reflected some of the very best the FBI has to offer.

I never thought I'd be investigating global warming. I believe it's real and that saving the planet is good.

Maybe it is worth investigating the unknown, if only because the very feeling of not knowing is a painful one.

My experience investigating foreign propaganda operations predated the proliferation of social media platforms.

One of the great joys of my job is that you spend a huge amount of time investigating different areas of literature.

You can be sure that Judicial Watch is investigating and monitoring the responses of our government to the coronavirus threat.

Saturn itself is a giant planet, and there's much to be gained by investigating its meteorology and studying its magnetic field.

Science isn't just for guys in lab coats, you know? It's for anybody who wants to do a good job of understanding and investigating the world.

By definition, a Special Counsel is charged with investigating particular potential crimes, not all potential crimes wherever they may be found.

I would like to do things like I did in Tanzania, going somewhere and exploring a theme and investigating as well as performing for those people.

I just have mysteries in all my books, I think, whether it's a boy investigating or a girl. I have an enduring fascination with mysteries of all kinds.

The thing with 'The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo' is that is it's like an Agatha Christie plot, and an investigating journalist is also a classic character.

Cops and robbers resemble each other, so there's not a lot to learn in terms of learning the logistics of committing the crime or investigating the crime.

The reason nobody investigates the men who are trading off our freedoms for private enrichment is that they are the very ones who are doing the investigating.

While the DOJ and the SEC must be vigilant in investigating and prosecuting white-collar misconduct, we must also ensure that we are acting fairly and prudently.

What is the government doing or not doing in terms of tracking you, following you, investigating you? And if you're suspicionless, it should be none of the above.

Next week we'll be investigating rumours that the president of the dairy council has become a Mason, and goes around giving his colleagues the 'secret milkshake.'

I'm following my interests, and there's something about investigating the world and creating a watchable, entertaining programme out of it that is deeply satisfying.

We should start with the basics: Police officers are unlikely to be held accountable if the prosecutors investigating and potentially prosecuting them feel indebted to them.

Science is fun. Science is curiosity. We all have natural curiosity. Science is a process of investigating. It's posing questions and coming up with a method. It's delving in.

A foundation representing firefighters who die in the line of duty is calling for Congress to strip the Centers for Disease Control of its role investigating firefighter deaths.

Chekhov directors and Chekhov actors love working on his plays because there seems to be no end to what you can find out about the micro-narrative when you're investigating a text.

I am not one of those who believe that we are bound to vote supplies to cover a deficiency in the treasury whenever called on, without investigating the causes which occasioned it.

I think artists are always investigating how to have an economic, political platform. At one time, artists were supported by the Church. Then they were supported also by the state.

When it comes to investigating a president, the special counsel regulations I had the privilege of drafting in 1998-99 say that such inquiries have one ultimate destination: Congress.

Serving on the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight allows me to play a role making government more accountable by investigating waste, mismanagement, and improprieties.

The old fiction room at my high school was a small box of wonders, and no matter how long I spent investigating its seven and a half overstuffed shelves, I never stopped discovering treasures.

Any show that kind of relish the damage of its main character without really investigating what that damage does, where it's from or what it means, is a show I think needs to be taken down a peg.

When the Democrats were investigating the U.S. attorneys that were accused of responding to political pressure, that I joined Senator Leahy in efforts to get transparency of all of the documents.

But I can say what interests me about documentary is the fact that you don't know how the story ends at the onset - that you are investigating, with a camera, and the story emerges as you go along.

When the chair of an investigating committee refuses to share vital findings or source information with any of his colleagues, his committee's ability to function has been fundamentally undermined.

At my direction, the Department's Office for Civil Rights remains committed to investigating all claims of discrimination, bullying, and harassment against those who are most vulnerable in our schools.

Moreover, the abundance of chemical compounds and their importance in daily life hindered the chemist from investigating the question, in what does the individuality of the atoms of different elements consist.

They think something's gone wrong, but in Don't Look Now, for instance, one scene was made by a mistake. It's the scene where Donald Sutherland goes to look for the policeman who's investigating the two women.

I'm all in favor of the FTC investigating companies when it believes there is proper cause to do so. An investigation, however, can lead to political pressure to bring a case, even if such a case is unwarranted.

The House Intelligence Committee and the Senate Intelligence Committee are investigating everything having to do with Russia, and I expect we will find there is nothing there when it comes to the Trump campaign.

The Democrats have shown little interest in legislating, but unlimited interested in investigating every aspect of President Trump's life. It's a wonder they haven't subpoenaed his elementary school report cards.

The left has promoted some wild conspiracy theories - namely that Trump had been groomed for decades by the Russians, and then, even spent two-and-a-half years and $32 million of taxpayer dollars investigating it.

You know, fate intervened. I went on to the DCMS committee to have a quieter life before the phone hacking scandal broke, and then ended up investigating the company that had libelled me previously when I was a minister.

I was employed as an investigator and my particular team, we were investigating the role of the business community in the genocide and we identified a bunch of leaders of the business community and I investigated two people.

I think it's our obligation as filmmakers, as people investigating the world, to create the reality that is most insightful to the issues at hand. Here are human beings, like us, boasting about atrocities that should be unimaginable.

Justice must be done in investigating the tragic death of Mr. Freddie Gray. His family deserves our deepest sympathy and respect for their loss, and our admiration for their courage in calling us, as a city, to act as our better selves.

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