What we learn from history is that people don't learn from history.

What we learn from history is that people don't learn from history.

Pessimistic visions about almost anything always strike the public as ...

Pessimistic visions about almost anything always strike the public as more erudite than optimistic ones

Investing is pure.

Is management rational?

Don't sell on bad news.

Turnarounds seldom turn.

Diversify your investments.

There is safety in numbers.

Diversification is your buddy.

Yes, Warren has done very well.

A country does not go bankrupt.

History doesn't crawl; it leaps.

Genius is a rising stock market.

Always invest for the long term.

Sunshine is the best disinfectant

Value investing is risk aversion.

Beware of geeks bearing formulas.

Investing is simple, but not easy.

High valuations entail high risks.

Investors have very short memories

He who is greedy is always in want.

The natural-born investor is a myth.

The probable is what usually happens.

Timing is everything in this markets.

I tried to follow Ben Graham's ideas.

Look at companies selling at new lows.

If it's obvious, it's obviously wrong.

Don't buy on tips or for a quick move.

Many receive advice, few profit by it.

Probability is the very guide of life.

Buy not on optimism, but on arithmetic.

Try to establish the value of a company.

Go to bed smarter than when you woke up.

Always buy your straw hats in the Winter

You have to have patience in this field.

Don't be in too much of a hurry to sell.

Buy stocks where the outlook is not good.

Now is always the hardest time to invest.

All sensible investing is value investing

Our average holding period is four years.

You can learn investing by reading books.

Acquire Riches by Industry and Frugality.

I like the idea of company-paid dividends.

Let blockheads read what blockheads wrote.

Enjoy your work and have ethical standards.

Is management candid with the shareholders?

Investing in children's education is vital.

If the stock goes down we want to buy more.

Know what you own, and know why you own it.

In economics, the majority is always wrong.

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