To be a Jew is a destiny

The Jews spend at Easter.

The Jews are not a nation!

I think I may well be a Jew.

Everybody is somebody's Jew.

Let Apella the Jew believe it.

The Jew is an inborn Communist.

Jew me, sue me, everybody do me.

The Jews are just clumsy bakers.

Israel today is bad for the Jews.

Exercise? A Jew doesn't exercise.

The Jews were God's chosen people.

How odd Of God To choose The Jews.

I think the Jews need me right now.

The Jew bows before no man only God

Your time will come to follow me Jew

All you Jews can go straight to hell.

Judaism was not a religion but a law.

Who hates the Jews more than the Jew?

In terms of defending Jews, I'm a Jew.

I consider Greeks the Jews of the sea.

This is the Jew that Shakespeare drew.

Only Texans and Jews understand brisket

If I were not a Jew I would be a Quaker.

My life's mission is to unmask the Jews.

A lot of Jews are great friends of mine.

Jews ate the English nation to its bones.

Some call it Marxism — I call it Judaism.

Goyim kill goyim and the Jews are blamed.

Every time we look, they're killing Jews.

Jews have a tendency to become comedians.

All men are Jews, though few men know it.

The best weapons of a Jew are his prayers.

As a Jew, support for Israel is in my DNA.

Moslems are no less an enemy than the Jews.

Anti-Semitism is the rumour about the Jews.

Don't call me 'sir; 'King Jew' will do fine.

I am an observant Jew! Now my secret is out.

Summer camp: the second worst camp for Jews.

In Jewish history there are no coincidences.

Stop being Jews and start being human beings.

I was not comfortable worshipping another Jew.

The communists pave the way for him (the Jew).

Hollywood is run by Jews, it is owned by Jews.

I am just a plain Jew; I mean have no training.

I did it to show the world that Jews have guts.

Talk about handicap - I'm a one-eyed Negro Jew.

Whether Jew or Gentile, I rank top percentile...

The Bible is to gays what Mein Kampf is to Jews.

The Nazis quite clearly killed millions of Jews.

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