Have a holly jolly Christmas!

I like Hitler, jolly jolly Hitler.

I am a freeman and jolly as a beggar.

Jolly Rancher candy canes are the bomb.

A good jolly is worth what you pay for it.

Anything free is worth what you pay for it.

What a jolly thing military surveillance is!

I don't really do jolly. I don't know why, I just don't.

Well, my deliberate opinion is - it's a jolly strange world.

I want to do a film like 'Jolly LLB' or something in that space.

O! Tril-lil-lil-lolly the valley is jolly, ha! ha! -Elves of Rivendell

I am a jolly person. I love to laugh and make people laugh all the time.

I believe that God put us in this jolly world to be happy and enjoy life.

Growing up, my idols were Lucky Luke and Jolly Jumper. And Scottie Pippen.

There's nothing like a jolly good disaster to get people to start doing something.

If you get to it, and you cannot do it, then there you jolly well are, aren't you?

The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live.

'Jolly LLB' is one of my favorite movies. Courtroom films are rare to come by in Telugu.

I've chosen to stay in a jolly place for most of my life, and that is a lot of who I am.

It was jolly in the country. A cow and little pigs to play with and milk warm from the cow.

I'm very jolly by nature but I get very upset when my skin is bad, I dread leaving the house.

A film based on a jolly good John Grisham book is fine, but I like to get a bit under the skin.

I'm starting to realize that people are beginning to want to know about me. It's a jolly strange idea.

Of course, this is the season to be jolly, but it is also a good time to be thinking about those who aren't.

A jolly feel good film with Vadivelu playing the comedian along with Rajni at his humourous best is 'Chandramukhi.'

People are often a bit more adventurous with swimming costume prints; they like the idea of something a bit more jolly.

In the main, ghosts are said to be forlorn and generally miserable, if not downright depressed. The jolly ghost is rare.

I literally have a bowl of Jolly Ranchers sitting in my studio. You can just pop those things in. They're really amazing.

Publishers of course have you altogether in their grip; if they say you must do a thing you have jolly well got to do it.

It was nice working with a jolly team in 'Gangaa.' I was well-acquainted with the production team, which was same on 'Balika Vadhu.'

Somehow we just don't make the same boisterous fun of Holy Week that we do of Christmas. No one plans to have a holly, jolly Easter.

With big folks, either people think you look mean or it's more of a jolly Santa Claus, 'Oh, he's just a pudgy little teddy bear pillow.'

Our family was too strange and weird for even Santa Claus to come visit... Santa, who was jolly - but, let's face it, he was also very judgmental.

Little things like that when you go to another country is so welcoming. You meet someone, they're so jolly, they speak the language, it really helps.

I don't need to marry again. I've been married twice, and I love it when it works, but these days we live until we're 80 and marriages are jolly long.

A queer fellow and a jolly fellow is the grasshopper. Up the mountains he comes on excursions, how high I don't know, but at least as far and high as Yosemite tourists.

By high school, I was already tall - 5-foot-8 - and one day I made the mistake of wearing green tights. The football players all started calling me the Jolly Green Giant.

They can certainly expect to be very impressed with the technical aspects of the show, fooled and led up the garden path by the story and ultimately have a jolly good laugh!

You often see politicians who try to put on a different persona; they think they should be more jolly or serious. Invariably, the persona they choose is worse than their own.

You take away the handicap of obesity, and this person becomes someone else. Take a jolly fat man for instance. You talk to him, and his heart is breaking. He wants to be thin.

There, in the chords and melodies, is everything I want to say. The words just jolly it along. It's always been my way of expressing what, for me, is inexpressible by any other means.

A lot of people stop short. They don't actually die but they say, 'Right I'm old, and I'm going to retire,' and then they dwindle into nothing. They go off to Florida and become jolly boring.

Producing good stuff can be quite tough, and it involves a lot of frustration, but I always like things to be jolly and happy, and I forget that's actually not the point at the end of the day.

The person who should really write an appreciation of the late great Dom DeLuise is Burt Reynolds, who, even more than Mel Brooks, made of the jolly, beanie wearing fat man a side-kick and a legend.

I've known Don since he came to Washington. When he first came to work for George W. Bush, he was a different Don Rumsfeld. He was jolly, full of life, and ready to go to war, but only if we could win.

They're very, uh, you know, I don't come from the suburbs and a jolly, Disney type of lifestyle. I come from something totally different. And they're cool and bare minimum so it's not always a money issue for me.

I am actually incredibly contented and jolly. But, and I have no idea why this is, I have a really strong empathy with all kinds of warped and destructive modes of thinking. I don't know why, but those things co-exist.

People expect me to be dark and gloomy, then write that I'm a jolly chap, and after all, that is what I am. I think it's a case of an absolute romantic naivety that there should be a parallel between the work and the artist.

We love live because of the roughness round the edges, the excitement, the madness, and stuff going off on all sorts of weird tangents. It's like hosting a jolly in your house. We're welcoming people in and giving them snacks.

The first term of the Clinton administration was very jolly. Everybody was running around meeting people and of course, in the second term, everyone went down the black hole, which also happened at the end of the Reagan administration.

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