All of North Korea is a jail.

I shall make that trip. I shall go to Korea.

In time, all of Korea will be united in liberty.

If I walk in the street in Korea, I am recognized.

I was too young for Korea and too old for Vietnam.

The only country that can stop North Korea is China.

There's hardly any governmental censorship in Korea.

My father contracted polio on a troop train in Korea.

What Iran wants and what North Korea wants is respect.

I shot down two airplanes in Korea, so I wasn't a slouch.

Reason doesn't mean very much in a country like North Korea.

He was a combat veteran from Korea, and he was a great father.

North Korea is not an insane nation. It is not a crazy nation.

We know North Korea has the plutonium that can go into the bomb.

If North Korea doesn't have a deterrent, they will be wiped out.

North Korea is going to get away with keeping its nuclear weapons.

Gee, I never thought I had an effect on people until I was in Korea.

Well, that is very imperative to let North Korea open door to outside.

I will defend Korea as I would my own country-just as I would California.

I'm not sure about the parties. But whatever they have in Korea, that's bad.

My goal with the Canadian border is the same goal I have for Japan and Korea.

It would be nice if at least 1/3 of the people in Korea think that I'm modest.

We aim to achieve general progress in relations between North Korea and Japan.

Do you know how short you have to be to have a Napoleon complex in North Korea?

Iran is one of their biggest trading partners. Iran has power over North Korea.

The U.S. engages with North Korea, so I dont see why they cant engage with Iran.

Iranians are very proud and don't want to become a pariah state like North Korea.

My dad fought in Korea. It was one of the first stories I remember hearing about.

Occasionally, the horrors of life in North Korea do show up in our American satire.

North Korea has a very striking mythology there. It is influencing the whole nation.

Capitalism has worked very well. Anyone who wants to move to North Korea is welcome.

I wanna try being a waiter at restaurant or work to introduce Korea to other people!

Hangeul is perhaps the most scientific system of writing in general use in any country.

Once a major military confrontation occurs, North Korea will definitely be annihilated.

Any agreement that you have isn't going to be based on North Korea's intentions or trust.

There is a different future that is available to North Korea, if they choose differently.

China should go into North Korea. China is totally powerful as it relates to North Korea.

I have had a great deal of interaction with Koreans and feel a fairly strong bond with Korea.

Everything you see in North Korea, it's all propaganda, but it's all connected to the volcano.

I've been to Uganda and to North Korea and to Eritrea, countless horror spots around the world.

I had been in that part of the world as a soldier in Korea, so I had been interested in Vietnam.

Before Sunrise did very well internationally. It made as much in Italy and Korea as it did here.

America cannot afford to defend Saudi Arabia, Japan, Germany, South Korea, and many other places.

This occasion is personally very meaningful and I hope to visit Korea again if I have the chance.

Endless praise and adoration, limitless abnegation and abjection of self; a celestial North Korea.

Donald Trump's idea that more nations should get nuclear weapons. Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea.

Please clean your plate dear, the Lord above can see ya. Don't you know people are starving in Korea.

If we let Korea down, the Soviet[s] will keep right on going and swallow up one [place] after another.

I'm beginning to think theres more freedom in North korea sometimes than there is in the United States.

The larger picture here is that a North Korea with nuclear weapons adds to the larger proliferation risk.

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