Scripts are corny and predictable. Real life is always better.

Always remember that better days are ahead - if not in this life, in the next.

One should always move on in life, and if we have a supporting hand, it becomes even better.

There is always a present and extant life, be it better or worse, which all combine to uphold.

Giving is most important to show the less fortunate that you don't give up. You always want to live a better life.

I try to get better in every aspect of my life, not just on the football field. I am competitive, and I just want to always get better.

Christianity affects your whole life. I feel I'm more competitive, a better player, but off the field is where there is always a battle.

It's important in sport and life, if you do something with confidence you always do it better. That's the same in football and everything else.

Denzel Washington is a person I will always emulate. I emulate him because he focuses on real life. Because of that he has made me a better person.

If I had written a book saying, 'Ladies, your life is terrible,' I would have sold three copies. It's always better to laugh people into recognition.

Living in New York City, I am reminded by the Statue of Liberty that the United States of America has always welcomed those yearning to breathe free and seek a better life.

I've never had a job in my life that I was better than. I was always just lucky to have a job. And every job I had was a steppingstone to my next job, and I never quit my job until I had my next job.

I always thought that a film about how my father's life was shaped in his early years in Hong Kong would be a worthwhile story to share so we could better understand him as a human being and a warrior.

I wouldn't call it bitter. I think it's just sweet. I've always believed my life seems like it's gotten better and better as each decade has gone by. So I don't see any I don't see any bitterness about it.

Your life isn't about doing one perfect 'thing' and then falling down dead. It's more like going to church or writing a book. You do it over and over, always trying to be a little bit better. Then you die.

If you ever want to tame your inner demons, you must consciously choose never to become too attached to any particular life plan - and always remain open to the idea that there might be an even better life plan for you.

I've always been known for bold flavors and rustic cooking, but there is another side to me. As you evolve as a cook, you understand life and how serious it is. There comes a point where there's got to be a better balance.

I always thought on my own that what is a huge part of being an actor, or what made me a better actor, was just really living life. Not being closed in on life, but being more open to experiences and to people and taking risks and exposing yourself to things.

Since puberty I've always had this strange awareness that all the keener experiences I would have in my life would happen later than it would to my contemporaries. When it came to the career thing, I never worried about it. It's better if you're still peaking when you're 60, which I feel I am.

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