My goals in football helped make me disciplined and focused in all areas of my life.

Football's been such a part of my life. It's allowed me to meet so many people and do so many things.

Football changed my life and it gave me a platform to get out my aggression and it gave me a sense of value.

My life is 24 hours talking about football. For me, it is every conversation, every action. It is my life, my passion.

A lot of things, experiences I had, helped me to grow up and mature, both in terms of my football career and my private life too.

My mother has always supported me through life and football. She pushes me to get better and is my biggest fan on and off the field.

I can't keep sitting on the bench and letting my life go on, smoking a cigar and not doing anything. It's not me. I want to be playing football.

Aston Villa and Middlesbrough, they showed me what is English football. It's tough, it's difficult and they showed me how life is like in professional football.

Football is my biggest passion in life, and I've worked really hard to get here. It's so important to me, so I can't sit and watch things not go in the right direction.

For me, watching Mohamed Salah play football is not unlike staring up at the stars and contemplating the vastness of the universe: it makes my own life seem nice and small.

I've been a Gunner for life. They play similar football to Barcelona. So ball movement and player movement is important to me in basketball; I think I picked it up from watching those guys.

I've spent my whole life playing football. My father didn't want me to play rugby because he felt it was very hard on the body, so at school, I was encouraged to play football, and that's where everything started.

Vermaelen is like a role model to me. His life is all about football and he's extremely disciplined. I'm more laid-back than he is. Thomas isn't the type of person to go out for a drink on a regular basis, unlike me.

I think that what I don't like is everything that surrounds a footballer. The fame, the people idolizing you, the press, not being able to have a normal life like normal person. I think that is what has held me back a little in football.

I don't know where horse riding could have taken me, and it's something I can always go back to when I've retired from football, but the crossroads came in my life when Chelsea wanted to sign me and make me a professional footballer in 2013 when I was 20.

Number one in high school, when I was sort of entrenched in the street life, if you will, the major thing that kept me plugged in the mainstream was athletics. I played basketball throughout high school. I also played football, but I played basketball throughout high school.

So they talk about heaven, and I don't know what is waiting for me up there. But I can tell you this: Nothing will happen up there that can duplicate my life down here. Nothing. That life cannot be better than the one I've lived down here, the football life. It's been perfect.

There are plenty of downsides in life for anyone, including me. Everyone has their own personal worries. Everyone has normal families, with normal arguments. But in football, things are going really well, and that's what I want to maintain. That's one thing I can keep on top of.

Three coaches at Notre Dame made a big difference in my life, not that I played any football when I attended Notre Dame. But Frank Leahy, Ara Parseghian, and Lou Holtz - they all made a difference to me, and I respected them for their attitudes about life and how they handled loss.

If you say you're going to do something, you do it. If you start it, you finish it. Yes sir, no ma'am. And you've got to have that kind of structure in your life. It kind of helped me be that disciplined person that I am, whether it's with workouts, film or just the game of football.

The most important thing for me was talking to players like Xavi, Andres Iniesta and Javier Mascherano - they would tell me about the life away from football. All I wanted to do was play football but they explained how important everything is away, how you prepare and live your life.

I think 'Shade Room,' it's a different me. You know, I think it's more on the lyrical side, talking about my life and how I really feel. You know, all these things outside of football. And people really get to look at how I feel about things or how I look at certain things. It's not just a song, more so me just telling people how I feel.

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