I think I should learn French and be a better cook - basic, really good life stuff.

What I desire most in my life is to become a better person. I genuinely want to be good.

Since I've quit drinking, I'm not sure I've found the good life, but I've certainly uncovered a better one.

The better life rests less on the prohibitions of the Ten Commandments and more on the parable of the Good Samaritan and the Golden Rule.

The TPP will be good for the American economy, the Vietnamese economy, and the labor and environmental standards that make life better for our people.

When you have a song on the radio your career and your life changes maybe for the better and maybe for the not so good... depending on how it's going that day.

You want to enjoy life, don't you? If you get your job done quickly and your job is fun, that's good isn't it? That's the purpose of life, partly. Your life is better.

In the beginning there was the word. The word was Jah. The word is in I, Jah is in I. I make what is good, better, and what is better, best. I follow this in every aspect of life.

When you're not playing you're not feeling good because this is what I'm doing my whole life. Now when I'm finally in the rotation, everything else feels much better. Life is much better.

But no, I'm not political. My obligation is to pull the lever and elect somebody who's going to make life a little better for everybody, especially those who don't have as much good fortune as others.

I couldn't have asked for anything better than 'Dangal' because we got to prove ourselves there in every way. The character has really changed my life, so it's really important to start off with a really good debut.

One thing Jim McGreevey wants the world to know: Leading a double life as a gay man trying to appear straight was easy for him to pull off. He was 'good' at it. Not only that - it helped him become a better politician.

People don't care about what someone says about you in a movie - or even what you say, right? They care about what you build. And if you can make something that makes people's life better, then that's something that's really good.

I wasn't put on the Earth only to be an investor. That wasn't my only thing in life. The problem is that as you get good at something and you keep getting better at something, more and more people just know you as that, and they have you in that box.

I know, when I was growing up, a lot of the views I was listening to, it was a worldview that was not helpful. The world even sold me a false idea of what the good life was, and I wish that people would have helped me to think better about how to interact with that worldview.

The quality of life of European cities and towns of almost any size make life in America look not just like a joke, but a sick joke, a horror movie. But I'd rather stay involved and do what I can to make this a better place than move to the south of France and enjoy the good life.

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