I think I am very mainstream - I'm committed to good works in my life.

I live a very balanced life. I am very good at delegating responsibilities.

The only thing that I am ambitious about is to live a good life. Full stop.

I am an over-achiever, and I want to be known for the good things in my life.

I keep seeing in the papers that I am good friends with Samantha Cameron. I've never met her in my life.

Wherever I go I make others feel good, and by doing this, I create life. I am a sting, and a dangerous instrument!

On the surface, I've created a good life. I've lived the American dream. But I am still an undocumented immigrant.

I am on good terms with whoever I have worked with. We never discuss films. We discuss life and what we had for lunch!

I am sure that the Ukrainian nation deserves a better life. That is why I have voted for good changes and for stability.

I am an optimist. I think, as bad as life sometimes gets, there is so much joy and so much good stuff, that there is a balance.

My life is good because I am not passive about it. I invest in what is real. Like real people, to do real things, for the real me.

I'm very happy with my life. I am what I am. I don't worry about anything that I can't control. That's a really good lesson in life.

In life, I have been a very lucky person; I have had a good married life, good friends, though I am not as educated as I would have liked to be.

The good die young but not always. The wicked prevail but not consistently. I am confused by life, and I feel safe within the confines of the theatre.

I will begin with this confession: whatever I have done in the course of my life, whether it be good or evil, has been done freely; I am a free agent.

I've reached a point in life where it's no longer necessary to try to impress. If they like me the way I am, that's good. If they don't, that's too bad.

Something that has always puzzled me all my life is why, when I am in special need of help, the good deed is usually done by somebody on whom I have no claim.

Indeed, I am repeatedly astonished by the number of really good writers who understand human beings so well on paper but don't know how to deal with them in real life.

I am a storyteller, and the stories I tell are, when I'm lucky, really good ones. It's a very exciting thing to do with your life, and that's, I think, what keeps me hopeful.

I find that, for me, personally - and this is in everyday life - if I'm not growing, if I can't be stimulated in a conversation, then I am bored. And I'm not good when I'm bored.

I am one of the affluent rich living the good life. But I like to think that I am doing my bit to resolve the problems of Africa and am certainly committed to Africa in the long run.

I have a feeling that I make a very good friend, and I'm a good mother, and a good sister, and a good citizen. I am involved in life itself - all of it. And I have a lot of energy and a lot of nerve.

Do not suppose, dearest Sir, that I am so short-sighted as to destroy my life by English preaching, or any other preaching. St. Paul did much good by his preaching, but how much more by his writings.

The television has opened a lot of doors for me. I am very successful at what I do, and I live a good life. It's not something that I'm embarrassed of. I think it's something people should want to aspire to.

I don't really think about having had a hard life. It was just my life, and it's all I knew. It made me who I am - all the good and bad - and it's where all of the songs on Here For The Party came from. I've lived them all.

I still feel I am that 14-year-old kid, hungry and trying to find a way through life. That's what I'm trying to develop, trying to be good at something through boxing. But I feel like that young kid who's trying and trying.

You either go through your life working for someone and getting a paycheck - and it can be a damn good paycheck, and I am not complaining as someone who has always been a salaried employee - or you can go out and become an entrepreneur.

I am suggesting that as we go through life, we 'accentuate the positive.' I am asking that we look a little deeper for the good, that we still our voices of insult and sarcasm, that we more generously compliment and endorse virtue and effort.

On the microphone, I'm not scared to step up and say, 'This is my ability, this is how good I am.' In other areas of life, I'm not so confident; I'm still adjusting to the photo shoots, all that stuff. But behind the mic, I'm fully confident.

When I was doing 'Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind' I was asked, 'If there was one part of your life that you could erase, what would it be?' And I was so stunned by that. I thought: 'Nothing.' I would keep all the good bits and the bad bits, because those things made me who I am.

Everybody has the clarity of telling I haven't seen a player like Lionel Messi, and I am fortunate for training and seeing him every day at the training field. And even sometimes he surprises you with some good performances. There is not comparison with other players I have seen along my life. He is unique.

There are certain things about me that I will never tell to anyone because I am a very private person. But basically, what you see is who I am. I'm independent, I do like to be liked, I do look for the good side of life and people. I'm positive, I'm disciplined, I like my life in order, and I'm neat as a pin.

I went through all these different phases in my life. And now, I'm finally in a place where I know who I am; I just needed that extra push. I feel really, really good in the position I'm in right now, and I don't feel like I completely neglected my pop-rock sound: I was able to bring it in with my country roots.

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