I love football, football is my life.

I have no life - other than I love football.

I've devoted my life to doing what I love: playing football.

He who doesn't love Messi knows nothing about football or about life.

I'd love it to be in Buffalo. I love football. But I know how important it is to live your life like you want to.

I train about six days a week. I'm training at the same intensity as I did when I was playing football. I've done it for my entire life, and I love it.

When you lose things like football, which is the game I love - and this is the most important thing in my life - it really puts everything in perspective.

I love football, but I also want to give back. I want to take care of kids and single moms, so it's not only about playing football. I want my life to matter in that way.

I don't judge my self-worth as a football player. Football is something I love. It's a fun career deal, but it's not what I want to do with my life, because I see football as a game.

There's a love of San Diego that I will always cherish, but this is the East. It's football - these people love rooting for the Ravens, and this gives you extra motivation in life to go get what you want.

You need a certain type of balance in life and I know where to put football in its proper place. But my love for the game, I have it just like everybody else. If you don't, you're going to get yourself hurt out there.

I just think to be a manager you've got to live and breathe and have this incredible enthusiasm for football, the whole thing. And while I love the game, and it's been a large part of my life, it's not the only thing in my life.

I didn't realise how my life was changing. When I was 17, 18, 20, I didn't realise how big football was and everything around football. How many people live for football and love football. I was a professional, but I was a supporter.

I love the atmosphere football brings; I love being around my teammates; I love the struggle in football. I love the fact that it is a part of my life. I don't look at it as any more important or less important as any other part of my life.

Outside football, I just love life, you know. We're lucky to play football, to have all this body. Everyone's watching us. You see how many people, they come and watch the game. It's unbelievable, you see how many people they come. They shout your name and just enjoy life.

My whole life has always been football and that only. Since I was six years old, I've only really thought about football. I used to watch it on TV, play video games, and so on. I just love football. Some people joke that I am too into it, but football just sums up my life.

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