I am a proud man and never takes things for granted in my life.

I am a very lucky man. I am living my life with my hobby as my profession.

A man doesn't cry. In my life, I've never cried. I cannot do it. I am a man. How will I cry?

I am hopeful that one day I will meet that right man and will have a very happy life partner.

To have lived your dream is very rare in life. I am a very happy man. I have been so fortunate.

I'm an honest man. I am living my life. I'm not stealing. And I've never been ashamed of who I am - I am a Roma.

I am not the first man who wanted to make changes in his life at 60 and I won't be the last. It is just that others can do it with anonymity.

I am totally okay on my own. I don't want to have to have a man to feel whole. It's not that I need that to feel like I have a full life. No, I have a full life.

As a man of colour, I've spent my life asking people to see me for who I am. With Obama in the White House, it feels like people have finally caught up to where I've been most of my life.

I am a sandwich man. Somewhere early in life, my epigenetic switches got flicked to 'likes sandwiches,' and that's where they still are. I suspect it's at least in part because they're easy to eat while reading.

My friend, I am going to tell you the story of my life, as you wish; and if it were only the story of my life I think I would not tell it; for what is one man that he should make much of his winters, even when they bend him like a heavy snow?

I missed my father so much when he died that writing about his life and mine was a way of bringing him back to life and getting me to sort of understand more about him and what made him the father, the husband and the man that he was, and how that made me the man, husband and father that I am.

I am happy being a man in a dress. Some people get confused and think I'm a trans woman, but I'm strict about the difference. What I do is performance, it's staged, it's glamour - it's not real life. But for trans people, being born in the wrong body - there's nothing glamorous or easy about that.

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