The great fun in my life has been getting up every morning and rushing to the typewriter because some new idea has hit me.

You can't base your life off waking up every morning, like, 'What are people saying about me now?' Then I'd never stay in my creative headspace.

I can bat in the morning, afternoon, evening, night, on ice, desert, wherever and whenever. It is almost nirvana for me. It takes me away from the stresses of life.

I'm not building my life round not being able to bear the thought of being in my 60s and not having someone next to me when I wake up in the morning. That's not what drives me.

My life is fairly normal. I didn't wake up one morning and find out that I'm suddenly a star, with people clamoring at me. I feel like I'm moving up the ladder just a little, which is fine.

My old life was really hard. I had to get up at 4:30 A.M. in the morning to pay the bills. You know that if you don't turn up you don't get paid. It has really helped me knuckle down as a dart player and treat it like a job.

I used to wake up every single morning feeling terrible because my abs weren't working properly, and my back would hurt because it was overcompensating for them. So once I started training the body proportionally, it really showed me a new life.

Every role is a potential lover. I ask: Are they someone I want to wake up to in the morning and go to bed with at night? Do they question my assumptions about life? Consume me to distraction? Make my cry, then clown to make me laugh again? If I say yes, then it's all I need.

Somebody said to me this morning, 'To what do you attribute your longevity?' I don't know. I mean, I couldn't have planned my life out better. By all accounts I should be dead! The abuse I put my body through: the drugs, the alcohol, the lifestyle I've lived the last 30 years!

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