I am obsessed with rap music - it's such a big part of my life.

As hopeful as I am, there are some times in my life when I get to low points. Luckily, I still have music to get me through things.

I am so blessed that all I've done in my professional life, since I was 17-18, is play music and somehow make a dollar here and there.

Nobody is really going to bring my vision to life like the way that I am. Before I was doing my own music videos, it was not really my vision.

I've built my whole life around loving music. I'm a writer for 'Rolling Stone,' so I am constantly searching for new bands and soaking up new sounds.

I'm approaching a period in my life though where I'd like to be totally absorbed into music, doing concerts, writing something. Basically, that IS what I am doing.

I really went back through a lot of the dark corridors of my life in this. I wanted people to know who I am based on my music, not on what they read in the tabloids.

As a music lover, I always adore when artists write about what's currently happening in their life. I find that the most interesting to listen to, just because I am extremely nosey.

When it comes to music, I am a dictator. Making a Dirty Projectors record come to life is like making a movie; I'm the one that makes the picture, and then we all figure out how to realise it.

Things have changed so much. People walked away from a simple life we had in the '20s and '30s, and I am glad that I am able to touch that period in our lives with the shows that I do and with the music that I do.

I was pretty sheltered growing up. I just started getting into heavier music with the Tooth & Nail/Solid State era, which really kind of brought this whole thing to life for me, so I am really thankful for that label.

Singing is just another outlet to express what I feel and to show everyone who I really am. I really don't talk about my personal life that much in interviews because that's my life, but with music, the way I write explains who I am.

I spent half my life in a boarding school where we were shown only the sporadic wholesome classic like 'The Sound Of Music.' So, I am not familiar with most of the works of the acting greats in Bollywood, Hollywood, or Tamil-Telugu cinema.

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