Swing dance has been a part of my life since I was born.

Reading has been a part of my life ever since I was born.

I was born in South Bend, and I've been a Hoosier all my life.

I was born in Vizianagaram but have lived all my life in Chennai.

Die and born again, die and born again. It's the story of my life.

The happiest moment of my life was probably when my daughter was born.

I was born in St. Louis but lived there just for a few minutes in my life.

I was born in Northern Ireland in 1951. I lived most of my life there until 1986 or 1987.

I was born in Liverpool in England, and I lived there for the first nine years of my life.

I was born in Decatur, was raised there, but I never in my life was permitted to vote there.

I was born in a University campus and seem to have lived all my life in one campus or another.

It goes without saying that the first few months after my son was born were the toughest of my life.

I did one of those 'born again' things and invited Jesus to become the chairman of the board, of my life.

I was born in Fayette County, over in Lexington, Kentucky, but I was raised most of my life in Paintsville.

I was not born to be prime minister, and I'm not going to stay here until the end of my life. I'm too young for that.

I was actually born in Sacramento, in Rocklin, which is a suburb of Sacramento. I lived there for the first 8 years of my life.

I've lived in Colorado longer than anywhere else in my life. All four of our boys were born and raised here. All of our friends are here.

I guess I'm just a born performer or artist or sharer. I find the intimate details of my life compelling and interesting. I guess that I'm assuming that everyone else does, too.

I'm inhabiting a life I'm not supposed to be in... and at certain times in my life, I have felt a wrongness. And not a moral wrongness but a sense that this isn't what I was born to be doing.

My dad being an Army officer, I was just born to it. I was raised in a military manner, and it was a given that Army brats went to West Point, so I went to West Point in 1941. And being in the military has been my life.

My maternal grandmother, Penelope, was a very big figure in my life. She was a child of the Raj, born in India, a debutante who hobnobbed with royals, then married a Canadian, Bill Aitken, who became MP for Bury St Edmunds.

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