My life is proof that I don't need you to do what I do. If there's no one to see it, I'll watch it.

I see what happens when one gets very attached to material things. That's just not what my life is.

You see the fairy tale - four minutes of glory at the Olympics. I thought my life would be cake after that.

I wish you could see some of the girls I have genuinely had crushes on in my life. They're not the girls you would assume.

Ideas seem to come from everywhere - my life, everything I see, hear, and read, and most of all, from my imagination. I have a lot of imagination.

I've dated a couple of guys who were awesome, and the celebrity part of my life and the traveling part are hard to get around. You never get to see each other, especially if you're both musicians.

Even though I do share a lot of stuff, it's a very small portion of my life. And I think you just have to be careful because, anything that you post, it essentially is there forever. If it's not something you don't want everyone to see, don't post it.

I don't know, when I was a kid, when I would see shows that changed my life, I would go to see shows where there was my mother taking us to see classic rock concerts, like Zeppelin, or when I saw Pink Floyd or when I saw, you know, when I was a little older, and I saw Nine Inch Nails, and I saw The Cure.

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