I know so many people who have tremendous regret in their life.

People who think dying is the worst thing don't know a thing about life.

Life is not a piece of cake, and it certainly is not for many of the people I know.

You know, heroes are ordinary people that have achieved extraordinary things in life.

People can have a long-term life plan only if they know their private property is secure.

I think it's going to take my whole life to sort of get people to know what my perspective is.

There's no perfect life. There's always something going on behind the curtain that people don't know about.

Being an actor, the less people know about my personal life, the more open-minded they can be about each role I play.

People don't know what goes on in my private life, so they have to make conjecture from something that is photographed.

People know more about my views than they do about most BBC presenters because I had a life before becoming a BBC presenter.

I know someone from growing up who is in jail right now for the rest of his life, but he was one of the sweetest people I ever knew.

I don't know why people are so keen to put the details of their private life in public; they forget that invisibility is a superpower.

In general, costumes are the first thing in life that let other people know who we are. They indicate who the person is without saying anything.

I just want people to know that I'm OK, and if I can get through something this traumatic, anybody can get through what's going on in their life.

I went to boarding school, and then I went to Oxford, and I know how easy it is for certain groups of people to become wholly insulated from ordinary life.

My mission in life is to get to heaven, so the people I have in my inner circle I don't allow to do the 'rule breaking' that we know as Christians we can't.

That's all that life is really about - setting up the party, talking to people who are like-minded, making something happen and keeping it moving, you know.

Because of television, people are now more exposed about actors - one gets to know about actor's personal life. People know that we are just playing characters.

Most people don't know what's happening around them because they're just speeding through life. And before they know it, they're just old. So I just try to slow it down.

Being on tour, it's really easy to stop knowing people that you want to know, because you're not sharing experiences; you're not existing in the minor moments of somebody's life.

If people perceive themselves as having very little opportunities to be fulfilled, then it cheapens their life and outlook. The solution is to reverse it; make sure they know opportunities abound.

There's so many different people that I'm fascinated by. Different kinds of characters that I meet in, like, everyday life, that I'm like, 'I don't know how you exist. Like, you're so fascinating.'

Matthew 7:16 tells us that by their fruits you shall know them. Donald Trump's life has borne fruit, fruit that has provided jobs to multitudes of people in addition to the many he has helped with his generosity.

A lot of people... kind of make heroes that are separate from us, people who are, you know, like... John Wayne and Errol Flynn and, you know, Denzel Washington... people who are different, who are larger than life.

Here's the thing about Apple, we complain and they give us more battery life. We complain and they'll give us more stuff. Everything's beta right now. Everything's experimental. They really don't know what people want.

I had a baseball swing my whole life. When I was growing up, everyone had a different, very specific softball swing that was very short. And I had a big stride and I had, you know, a baseball swing, and people did not like it.

Some people manage to make that transition from child actor to adult actor seamlessly. But I felt that if I spent my whole life on a film set without taking a few years to do something else, all I would ever know about was film sets.

Well not really to get attention, but to entertain, but you know to show some elements of rural life as well, it kind of blended all in, its kind of like a mockery in a sense, kind of stab back at people that have those stereotypical ideas of the south.

It's insane that, since the Beatles and Dylan, it's assumed that all musicians should do everything themselves. It's that ridiculous, teenage idea that when Mick Jagger sings, he's telling you something about his own life. It's so arrogant to think that people would want to know about it anyway!

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