Nobody gets to live life backward. Look ahead, that is where your future lies.

I bet the worst part about dying is the part where your whole life passes before you.

You reach a certain point in your life where they things you do and say do make a difference.

There are points in your life, especially if you have creative ambitions, where selfishness is necessary.

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.

When somebody follows you 20 blocks to the pharmacy, where they watch you buy toilet paper, you know your life has changed.

You can't just sit around and make protest albums all your life; eventually it comes to the point where you have to do something.

Coaching helps you take stock of where you are now in all aspects of your life, and how that compares to where you would like to be.

You get to a certain point in your life where you get closer to the end of your life than the beginning, and it colors your life, in a way.

The main thing is to have strings to your bow. You get your badges, you see where life is, and then you see what things come your way, if any.

There are two or three performances in your life that are absolutely on, where all the planets are lined up for you and you feel you're invincible.

You get to the point in life where you realize you have to roll up your sleeves, deal with the consequences of what happens, and carry your own weight.

We're all entitled to make mistakes. I'm not one of these guys where if you make a mistake, I'm gonna try to tear your life down and burn it to the ground.

That's my favorite kind of television, where it's not wrapped up in a pretty little bow. It's like life. You deal with one thing in your life, 500 others rear their head.

If you could take a subway from the suburbs in Boston, where I live, to downtown in 10 minutes, that improves your life over sitting in a traffic jam. People should see that.

Meditation state is a place of deep relaxation where you can pinpoint the things you do and to set a paradigm switch from effect to cause. So how to be a cause in your own life.

Where you grew up becomes a big part of who you are for the rest of your life. You can't run away from that. Well, sometimes the running away from it is what makes you who you are.

The other thing is quality of life; if you have a place where you can go and have a picnic with your family, it doesn't matter if it's a recession or not, you can include that in your quality of life.

When you spend your entire life as a child actress, being told where to go and where to stand, you're performing constantly for people. It definitely breeds the kind of person who's dependent on other people's approval.

Have you ever asked yourselves what you are going to do when you grow up? In all likelihood you will get married, and before you know where you are, you will be mothers and fathers; and you will then be tied to a job, or to the kitchen, in which you will gradually wither away. Is that all that your life is going to be?

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