Your life works to the degree you keep your agreements.

Life's like a movie, write your own ending. Keep believing, keep pretending.

I don't have any health problems, but to keep your health improves your quality of life.

Sometimes you have to keep things very close to your own chest in your life, or this life.

The secret to a happy, successful life of paranoia is to keep careful track of your persecutors.

You learned the two greatest thing in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut.

I'm not wanting to make carbs the enemy - because it's really hard to keep carbs out of your life forever.

Never try to impress a woman, because if you do she'll expect you to keep up the standard for the rest of your life.

Cut the things out of your life that keep you from reaching your dream. It doesn't matter if it's cooking or belly dancing.

The greatest things in life tend to happen outside our comfort zones, and doubting your ability to step outside of your comfort zone will keep you stuck.

If you keep the Sabbath, you start to see creation not as somewhere to get away from your ordinary life, but a place to frame an attentiveness to your life.

There were chunks of my life when I was married, and when I was married, I never cheated. But I made up for it when I wasn't married. You have to keep your hand in.

This is something caregivers have to understand: You have to ask for help. You have to realize that you deserve to ask for help. Because you need to keep on working on your own life.

I think it's like a relay race. You run, and you hand over the baton, and your kids pick it up. They take the stuff they want, throw the rest away, and keep running. That's what life is about.

I keep kosher, so I have an element of consumption awareness embedded into my daily life. One of the things the practice does is make one more mindful of - and grateful for - what goes into your body.

The idea of being a widow brings the thought of your husband dying. I don't really feel that way. I have higher confidence in life after that transition. That's my thought. That's how I feel. I want to keep him alive.

Everyone knows I'm married; I just don't discuss it. Because it's a part of my life that I'd rather keep private... When your whole life is played out in front of everybody, for your sanity, you need parts that are just yours.

Whatever is said about roles drying up, I intend to keep working. Certainly now the roles couldn't be more interesting - playing mothers, divorcees. I think it's going to be exciting to play a mother of teenagers. The longer your life, the deeper it gets.

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