Locking minors away for decades doesn't solve anything.

It's time to stop locking people up for victimless crimes.

Locking up dissenters does not reduce dissent - it fosters it.

We are convinced that locking Russia out of Europe is not rational.

I believe in working with the hearts of people, and not locking them up.

As soon as you get two actors in a room and they're locking eyes, they're doing a scene.

I don't believe in killing people. I believe in locking you up for the rest of your life.

I had great apprehension in locking lips with Namit on the screen. I come with my own prerogatives.

I have that balance of having fun - because I can need to have a ton of fun - but also locking it in at times.

There are a number of much less expensive alternatives to detaining immigrants than locking them up somewhere.

I would love to learn popping, locking and robotics, gymnastics and acrobatics; it is amazing to learn these things.

Triangle chokes are the refuge for cowards. I would never stoop to that level of locking my legs around a man and squeezing.

It takes locking in on the task at hand and honing in on what you need to do in order to be successful in the NBA postseason.

Why did men worship in churches, locking themselves away in the dark, when the world lay beyond its doors in all its real glory?

Philosophers are people who do violence, but have no army at their disposal, and so subjugate the world by locking it into a system.

I was depressed as a child. I found it hard to make friends. My favourite thing was locking myself in the bathroom and practising comedy routines.

I certainly don't know if you could claim that every theft is wrong, but I'll prove to you that every theft is forbidden, by simply locking you up.

It's also crazy how Shakespeare has that cadence, and it's about locking into the jazz of the language, just like locking into the rhythm in N.W.A's lyrics.

There are some lines in the sand you just do not cross. Undermining basic civil liberties by locking people up for long periods without charge is one of them.

Locking people up without reducing the risk of them committing new crimes against new victims the minute they get out does not make for intelligent sentencing.

I still find it absurdly difficult to concentrate on a novel if there's a phone or computer to hand; I have taken to locking them outside the room like noisy pets.

As a painfully shy kid, my fun time was locking myself away and watching movie after movie after movie. Watching a good performance, to me, was like getting a new toy.

Healthy forests and wetlands stand sentry against the dangers of climate change, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and locking it away in plants, root systems and soil.

I want to avoid locking people into solutions that work only with Postfix. People should have a choice in what software they want to use with Postfix, be it anti-virus or otherwise.

I've come to find that I am definitely not cut out for the isolated writer thing, locking myself away and writing and bleeding over words alone. I'd rather share my pain with people.

I went down the street to the 24-hour grocery. When I got there, the guy was locking the front door. I said, 'Hey, the sign says you're open 24 hours.' He said, 'Yes, but not in a row.'

As soon as you're locking doors, you're narrowing your circle. And your circle gets smaller and smaller until it's finally just yourself and your buddy and you've got no one to party with.

Microsoft has built a closed platform-within-a-platform into Windows 10 as the first apparent step towards locking down the consumer PC ecosystem and monopolising app distribution and commerce.

I'll see some random guy and really like how he's locking his wrist when he's shooting or how a guy is catching the ball. It can be a little reminder that that's something I have to think about today.

I used to be in a street fight at least twice a week, so locking me in a cage with somebody, with a set of rules and a referee to jump in if something get ugly, and a time limit, like, it don't scare me.

To me, one of the big fears of doing a big huge graphic novel is locking yourself into one style and getting halfway through it and going, 'Oh I made the wrong choice,' which is a recurring nightmare I have.

Don Cornelius did not want to see how I really danced - I was doing hip-hop, and it was foreign to people out in California. They only knew about popping and locking, so they were not keen on hip-hop dancing.

As scary as it is, I like making real, direct eye contact with people from the stage. In a sense, it's like modeling: that feeling of locking in and projecting some kind of emotion to try to captivate people.

Instead of investing our resources in locking people up, let's invest more of those resources in our fellow citizens so they don't end up in the system to begin with. And if they do, they can get back on their feet.

I don't have a preferred religion - I'd have to do research. I was born a Christian, but as I've grown into my own man, I don't attach myself to a religion - 100 per cent, I have faith. Then it's locking into what suits me.

Terrorists are overjoyed when we shut down our freedoms and turn ourselves into a police state and when we retaliate, swatting the Middle East with useless bombs or rounding up the wrong suspects and locking them up without charge.

If you're afraid of inflation, I think - and if you can bring yourself to have a long horizon - and when I say long, I mean ten to 20 years, not the usual ten to 20 weeks - that locking up resources in the ground is a terrific idea.

Modern secular thought has its own dualism: It treats only the physical world as knowable and testable, while locking everything else - mind, spirit, morality, meaning - into the realm of private, subjective feelings. The so-called fact/value split.

See, locking people up who present no real danger to society isn't just unfair to those people and those who love them. It is, but it's also unfair to the people who pay to keep them there: the taxpayers. Let me be clear: Locking someone up is not free.

But braking is so difficult, especially in single-seaters. You're millimetres from locking up in the braking zones. Having to feel that through the hands? You don't get anything like the same feedback when you hit a pedal and feel it push back against you.

Ballet Beautiful is about finding balance and making fitness a part of your life in a happy, healthy, rewarding way where you get to feel pretty and look beautiful. It's not about beating yourself up in the gym and locking yourself in a dark room with blasting music.

The purpose of the Filecoin currency is to create a fungible token that can be spent to hire the miner network to store files. The first and foremost use of the currency is precisely this: locking it up as a reward to miners who successfully store data on the network.

I think I wanted to sing, but I just couldn't because I was so shy. I didn't really know how to begin that other than like, singing in my room, locking the door, and trying to sing kind of quietly. I knew my mom would want to listen and she would probably bug me about it.

The fact that our legal system has become so tolerant of police lying indicates how corrupted our criminal justice system has become by declarations of war, 'get tough' mantras, and a seemingly insatiable appetite for locking up and locking out the poorest and darkest among us.

I knew from reading about Sarah Grimke that she'd been given a handmaid to be her personal slave and that her name was Hetty. The only other fact I knew about her was that Sarah taught her to read: They conspired in a very subversive way, by locking the door and screening the keyhole.

The regime in too many prisons is one of idleness, and locking up someone from such a background in idleness virtually guarantees re-offending. Instead there needs to be a full day's work every weekday in either the workshops or the education department or preferably a mixture of both.

When I was talking a lot of trash, a lot of the guys knew that when I started getting serious was when I started getting a little bit quieter. If I started locking up somebody, then I'd start talking even more and I'd talk more aggressive. But once I stopped, they knew I was really serious.

For me, I need to fully immerse myself in a script to the point where I'm literally locking myself away for weeks at a time and I just write it. So I can write twelve to fifteen hours in a day, with breaks in between, obviously, but I need to just sort of live within the world of the script.

If politics were a high school movie, Republicans would be the jocks and mean girls locking hapless freshmen inside their lockers and threatening to call in their rich parents if the teachers complain - plus the broke kids who are always willing to strong-arm homework for them from the nerds.

Instead of locking people up and throwing away the key, it's important to invest in them and show them another way - show them what they can do, instead of telling them what they can't do. Because by investing in youth, we're investing into the future of this great nation of the United States of America.

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