I never trusted good-looking boys.

Don't look for Love, look for the one looking for Love.

Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us from moving forward.

All the particles of the World are in Love and looking for Lovers.

Looking for love is tricky business, like whipping a carousel horse.

People have been looking for love potions since hunter-gatherer societies.

Instead of looking for love, let it happen by being the best you that you can be.

Everybody's looking for love, and you want to love somebody and be loved in return.

Looking for love is like asking for a new point of departure ... another chance in life.

What is man's ultimate direction in life? It is to look for love, truth, virtue, and beauty.

Looking for love on the internet is like Janet Leigh asking Norman Bates if he likes her body.

I think this is very applicable to men and women - that they are looking for love in all the wrong places.

Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it.

Perhaps she was just looking for love in the wrong places. In all the safe places. What if love was not safe at all?

Are you looking for something real in this world of illusions? Call me. Casual Flings need not apply. I am looking for Love.

Good-looking individuals are treated better than homely ones in virtually every social situation, from dating to trial by jury.

But he's looking for love in all the wrong places. Like fancy under catalogs At least he knows enough not to date while he's campaigning

Acting happened to me. If I had pursued it, I think it would have been like someone going to a bar, desperately looking for love and not finding anyone.

I get bored very easily. I have a voracious appetite and I do not feel alive if I'm repeating something I'm good at. So I'm always looking for new challenges.

Without stirring abroad, One can know the whole world; Without looking out of the window One can see the way of heaven. The further one goes The less one knows.

Every one of us, no matter how damaged or abnormal or shut down, we're all looking for love. Every person needs love in this world, but our views on what love is vary enormously.

The quest for Love changes us. There is no seeker among those who search for Love who has not matured on the way. The moment you start looking for Love, you start to change within and without.

We may say we're looking for love, following dreams, chasing the dollar, but aren't we just looking for a place where we belong? A place where our thoughts, feelings, and fears are understood? - Ridley Jones

This is a transitory world, we're all spirits just looking for love and finding it, and holding on. Even if it's a moment it's true love, true love doesn't mean that it goes on for eternity. Eternity is a terrible concept.

Claim today as a demarcation; a new beginning where you can regain your trust in love, where you start looking for love, giving more love, and being responsible for the places where there hasn't been more love in your life.

Many of us are caught in separateness and we look for love out there, out there. But then as we proceed inside there will be the love. The universe is an example of love. Like a tree. Like the ocean. Like my body. Like my wheelchair. I see the love.

The freedom we are looking for is the freedom to be ourselves, to express ourselves. But if we look at our lives we will see that most of the time we do things just to please others ... The worst part is that most of us are not even aware that we are not free.

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