If it's on Facebook, it all looks the same.

Pollock looks unusual and radical even now.

Great leaders make leadership look so easy.

My apartment looks like no one lives in it.

I look a lot like my father and his mother.

Well, you know, I'm much older than I look.

I'll look to like; if looking, liking move.

I look upon indolence as a sort of suicide.

Do not regret the past. Look to the future.

There's looks as speaks as strong as words.

He looks like the good boy he's never been.

Ambition, like a torrent, never looks back.

Everything hinges on how you look at things

The truth usually has a slightly ugly look.

I wanted my closet to look like a boutique.

McLaggen makes Grawp look like a gentleman.

Theory is needed to tell you where to look.

What you look at hard seems to look at you.

I have plenty to look forward to, I'm sure.

I don't think what I look like is relevant.

Victory looks like no more September 11ths.

41, you look great. Love what you're doing.

Look around for a place to sow a few seeds.

The role of the artist is to not look away.

I don't look at scripts. I just write them.

If you don't look good, we don't look good.

You can look anywhere and find inspiration.

I'm not afraid to look like an idiot on TV.

Design can change how you look at yourself.

You can't look stupid if you're having fun.

I don't really like the whole pancake look.

Look at that moon. Potato weather for sure.

Each servant stamps the reader with a look.

You can't play well if you don't look good.

Nothing is boring if you look at carefully.

I still look at myself and want to improve.

Truth looks tawdry when she is overdressed.

I look for stuff that I'm passionate about.

Look, if anyone is scared, I got your back.

All new learning looks at first like chaos.

Most people are telling me I look horrible.

I have never been one to look beyond today.

Men who wear turtlenecks look like turtles.

I love humanity, I love the way people look

I look at myself as the luckiest man alive.

You can't move forward until you look back.

When I look at a pie chart, I just go numb.

Look for the extraordinary in the ordinary.

It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.

Movies that look safe are less interesting.

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