After the verb 'to Love', 'to Help' is the most beautiful verb in the world.

I love that although the world is a dangerous place, I still find it to be beautiful.

I always love novels that open up a subject to me - like raising a window to a beautiful, mysterious world outside.

I love Shogun world. It's so beautiful. The performances are beautiful. It's like classic Japanese cinema, with a little 'Westworld' twist.

What I love about 'Monster Hunter' is the incredibly beautiful, immersive world they've created. It's on the level of, like, a 'Star Wars' movie in terms of world creation.

Boundaries, and countries, if we don't have that we are all brothers and sisters, we can all have love and joy and compassion for each other: the world would be much more beautiful.

In regards to being a fashion aficionado, there's a certain amount of taking yourself seriously in the professional world. The self-effacing person can't completely go down the serious road. But I design, and love when things are beautiful.

I've been pretty damn happy since 2001. More apparent danger than real danger for me, and even the apparent danger hasn't kept me from feeling warm, safe and loved. I've found love and a partner to raise three children that I'm glad to have brought into this beautiful world.

When one teenager dying of cystic fibrosis asked me, 'Why am I different?' I answered, 'Tony, because it makes you beautiful.' He loved my answer because he knew full well how much he had done for the world and that he would be immortal through his love and the fund raising of those who knew him hoping to find a cure for cystic fibrosis.

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