I love 'America Dad' and 'Family Guy.'

I'm a dad and a husband, and so the things that I love to do are all geared around my family.

We are foodies, we love to eat, my dad's a chef, and coming from an Italian family, we love to eat.

You need a strong family because at the end, they will love you and support you unconditionally. Luckily, I have my dad, mom and sister.

My dad is now an incredibly important ally of mine. I'm so impressed with him. He's a hero to me because he put love and his family first.

My dad used to sit me on his knee and read from the Bible to us. We were a praying family. Ours was a family of love and a family of prayer.

I still love my dad and appreciate what he's done for me, but I despise some of the things he has done to the family and certainly to my mum.

My dad grew up with an avocado tree in his backyard. My entire family, my wife and daughters, they love avocado. I may well be allergic. It makes me physically sick.

Thousands do benefit from love, support and comfort in their final chapter: I watched my dad slip away without pain as Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen tracks played in a warm Marie Curie hospice, surrounded by doting nurses and his family.

When Dad stopped playing in a rock band and was done chasing that dream, he devoted himself to his family. I would love to do the same thing - just without driving a 1991 Suburban and wearing sweatpants, a fanny pack, and six-year-old Pumas.

For the naysayers that claimed 'American Family' revealed us to be vacant, unloving, uncaring morons of the materialistic '70s, this image will be proven wrong when Mom and Dad remarry... Make no mistake. This is not to emphasize the sadness of my demise but rather emphasize the love of my family and friends.

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