Family transcends the flesh. You don't love someone because they look like you, you love their spirit; it's the soul connection.

No matter what you've done for yourself or for humanity, if you can't look back on having given love and attention to your own family, what have you really accomplished?

I look at Syracuse and I love the way that the coaches say they'll use me in their offense. I really like the family atmosphere there and I feel really comfortable there.

I was all of 18, and in love with Shammi Kapoor while we were filming 'Brahmachari.' He wanted me to give up my career, but I wasn't ready. I had my family to look after.

I know the importance of family. I mean, it really completes me as a person. I want lots of children; I want so many children. I look at babies' pictures, and I am like... I love kids.

I am on Facebook, but it's mainly for friends and family, so it's not my real name. But I am on Twitter a lot. I resisted it for so long, but I love it because I get to connect with people I look up to - actors, comedians, and singers.

I get a lot of emotion from my family and my friends. I think it's just communicated in a different way. When my family feeds me, they're saying they love me. They pick me apart to show that they care. One look from my mother says so much.

When I occasionally indulge in sort of a 'look back' at highlights, it's so interesting - it almost never comes from an image on a set or even the Academy Awards. It's almost always a family trip or meeting and falling in love with Cheryl.

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