I like composing music, but I love being with my family.

I never wanted to be singer. People in my family love music, and I pursued it as a hobby.

I love 'Modern Family.' And I love 'Glee' - the singing, the music - Jane Lynch just kills me.

I have fans, and I have family that love me, and I have my music, and I have my breath going in and out.

Music is obviously a huge part of the Marley family identity. But that music is part of a larger idea - love.

I love Christmas. I really do love Christmas. I love being with my family and I love snow. I love the music and the lights and all of it.

Music is my first love, and I can't step away from her. I love music, and I love playing and living the dream, but I also miss my family.

I just wanna make music that people love. If they love the next project that I put out, 'Thank you' because that means that I can take care of my family.

I want to buy my mom a house; I want my family to never have to worry about anything. And I just want to have an amazing career in music, because I love to do it.

People in my family and camp who grew up listening to rap music love 'We Are Young.' I've heard it play at weddings. I've heard it in graduation parties. It's a big idea and big song.

Dirty martinis and music - that's the big motto in our family. We get the booze going, and the music starts playing. Always old-school hip-hop. Jay-Z. Tribe Called Quest. The Pharcyde. My parents love that stuff.

My love of music comes from as long as I remember. I begged my mum to learn piano for a year when I was 4; she wanted to make sure I was serious, and I wanted to be Chuck Berry when I grew up! We were a very musical family; my mum would play guitar, and her, my dad and aunt would sing and harmonize!

When you look at Michael Jackson, there's nobody who loves him in that family, nobody. If they did, they'd tell him he didn't have to do all that in order to be famous. All he has to do is keep doing his music and be himself. Michael's been a little touched for about 20 years, but somebody needs to pull him aside and tell him they love him.

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