I don't deny myself food. I'm no saint. I love butter and cream, but I also eat lots of grains and fruits.

I'm very clumsy, so there's been a lot of times I've tripped in front of girls I'm in love with or spilled food all over myself.

I don't really believe in diets. I love food... If I deprive myself, I'm going to want it more. I snack on yogurt, raw cashews and cherry tomatoes.

My food villain is salt. I'd love to be have the odd ready meal as a lazy treat, but some contain 33% of your salt intake! i just cant do it to myself!

I love educating myself on different cultures' dishes and foods that are important and celebrated within that culture. I also think food brings people together. It's unifying!

I love to visit the comic shops, and I don't want to call myself a 'foodie,' because that word is just stupid, but I love diner food, and I'm a hardcore fan of 'Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.'

I've realized that I'm more important than food is. I love a big slice of pizza, but I love myself more. Being thin is about changing the way you think about yourself. It's about saying that you deserve to be healthy.

My whole thing is I try to balance it as much as possible. I love to enjoy food. I've always said that if I eat healthy during the week, then I give myself more leeway to have some fun on the weekends. And I stick to the gym. I try to go five to six days a week.

I live a healthy lifestyle and I crave healthy food. I love porridge - I have bizarre cravings for it. I love it with brown sugar and bananas, and I'm a huge fan of cinnamon - I put cinnamon on everything. I also have a sweet tooth and I don't like to deprive myself. I think everything in moderation is the key.

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