I love television. Television is a great medium; I'm fortunate enough to direct amazing television.

Whenever I've been in Scotland I've had such amazing support, and the love from Scottish fans has always been great.

I always condition my ends, and I love Mane and Tail. It's so amazing. It leaves a film of moisture and just gives great texture.

I love fighting for the UFC. It's an amazing company. I've done a lot of great things, and they've done a lot of great things for my career.

My dad's great. He's an amazing artist. A sculptor. He's wonderful and supportive. I love going to museums with him - we talk about... everything.

NXT has been great to me. I love being able to wrestle the way I want to wrestle and be who I want to be. NXT is this amazing platform to do that.

I think television's amazing, and I'm going to do more of it. I love it. I think it's a great place to be, but I'm still going to keep doing movies too.

Music, in Mexico, just wasn't working out. So, I fell into acting and I just fell in love with it. It was amazing! It was a great safe place to just vent.

I love games like 'Flower,' for example - I thought this was amazing. It's great, it's new, it's different, and it's invented something that didn't exist before.

Peyton Royce and Billie Kay are two phenomenal workers; I would love to see them up here on Smackdown. They're great girls with great talent. A bit of momentum, and we're going to see amazing things from them.

I've featured in some soundtracks in the past, and I would love to do more. I love great soundtracks to movies. Quentin Tarantino always picks amazing soundtracks, so I would like to do something for him or write a song for him.

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