I love it when people send me body parts.

I don't preach body positivity - I'm just okay with the body I'm in and say, 'I love me, so you should love you.'

I do love shoes that make my legs longer. I have the upper body of someone who's 5ft 8in, so high heels help me even out the discrepancy.

It's impossible for me to be successful at what I love most, which is acting and making people laugh, without making sure my body is fueled in the right way.

Sometimes my body is aching, but I always think, 'Why am I in this? Why do I love it so much?' That's what makes me persevere, that's what makes me keep on going.

I would love to eat my body weight in chocolate chip cookies, french fries, and peanut butter, but I don't. I choose not to. That's on me, just like it's on me if I choose to do it.

My hair is super fine, so I love using Batiste Dry Shampoo to give it volume after I shower and dry my hair. It also gives me extra body and texture for when I choose to wear my hair in a French braid.

When I see muscles that are more defined that I hadn't seen before, it's exciting. I love a muscular figure. It feels like an accomplishment, and it makes me feel strong, and I love having a strong body.

I thought that losing weight by following a strict diet will make me more flexible and feel more confident about my body. I have become so used to the routine now and have fallen in love with my body that I would want to follow it forever.

'Stay With Me,' for me, is my own personal anthem to the 'walk of shame...' that we've all gone through. It's the feeling after a one-night stand of not wanting that person to leave, even if you don't love them and don't even like them. It's about having that body next to you.

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