Call me crazy - I love elk meat!

Crazy players love me. I don't know why.

Nobody's going to tell me that my dog doesn't love me. That's crazy talk.

I have no love for the Republicans, but the Democrats drive me absolutely crazy.

I don't have a trainer. Crazy, right? But I don't need anyone to motivate me. I love exercise, even things like the elliptical and stretching.

The love Nigeria showed me... when I played for them in a friendly, the fans were just crazy. The fans almost eat you up because they love you so much.

My perfect girl would be pretty mad, but one you can have a conversation with. No one can be too mad for me, the madder the better. I love a crazy chick!

People are very surprised when they see me. Here is this crazy Gothic woman, but when they speak to me in person, they realize I'm a nice girl. I love to interact with my fans.

Your ringtone is so personal to you, but the fact is millions of other people have your ringtone. I really love that connection, and call me crazy, but I find the iPhone ringtones super melodic and very danceable.

People also think Christians are very passive people, and that drives me crazy as an athlete because if you watch me play and compete, I'm the furthest thing from passive that you'll see on the baseball field. I love to compete, and I love to win.

Now it's like, I'll go to Starbucks, or I'll go to the mall or anywhere, and lots of people will recognize me, and I'm like, 'Oh, wow, this is actually a thing now; this is happening.' It can get a little bit crazy at times, but I love meeting people, and people shouldn't feel scared to come up to me and say 'Hi.'

I was at a school in England, a prep school, from the ages of 8 and 13. And every play they did was a musical. Parents love musicals. And I don't sing. It was driving me crazy. 'We're doing 'Macbeth.' 'Yes!' 'The musical!' And I was always in the chorus, because of course, in all the main parts, you had to be able to sing.

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