I love the magic of movies and television, and I always have since I was kid.

I'm an actor because I love movies, and always have loved movies. I'm a film buff.

I love movies like 'The Postman Always Rings Twice' that are based on short novellas.

I've always been a movie guy, movies have been my thing. I love movies, all kinds of movies.

I've always loved action movies. The first films I fell in love with were 'Star Wars' and Steven Spielberg films.

I've always loved the showmanship of professional wrestling. While I love making movies, I love that platform, too.

'White Christmas' is one of my favorite movies, so I've always just had a love for that kind of golden era musical.

I love watching the Bond movies obviously and I grew up reading the books as a kid. I've always loved them because of that.

I love John Waters. There's stuff in it that's beyond the boundaries of my taste, but his movies have always been like that.

I always wanted to be a character actor. I love watching movies where you don't recognize someone because they're so lost in the part.

I love movies that make me cry, because they're tapping into a real emotion in me, and I always think afterwards: how did they do that?

I'm kind of a tomboy, so I've always had a soft spot for action movies. I would love to do one of those, doing my own stunts and training.

Everyone has a first love, and mine was the western. When I was a child and dreamed of the movies, it was always as a cowboy on a white horse.

In all the movies I'm in love with someone in my head. There's always love in a film somewhere. It doesn't matter even if it's an action movie.

I'll always love movies. But there's something I love very much about TV, when you shoot episodes while other episodes are still being written.

My wife always hates when I go, 'I just don't love female action movies.' I don't know why. I'll watch them, but I don't run to go and see them.

Horror movies are all about getting your attention; you always have to be on guard. People love to be on the edge - there's nothing like a surprise.

I love Halloween, and I love spooky stuff. I love horror movies. I love everything creepy, and I've always kind of wanted to do this, just do really dark pop.

I'm a big fan of movies, but I'm a bigger fan of filmmaking itself. I fell in love with it when I was very young, and I have always loved to learn the craft, every aspect of it.

I always try to describe making movies like summer camp, or some holiday where you spend all day, every day with a new group of people whom you kind of love and then never see again.

I love watching scary movies because you always wonder what happens next, and that's what's going to happen on 'The Haunting Hour:' you're always going to want to know what happens next.

I'm definitely a romantic comedy dude because I'm a big romantic at heart. I'm a softy, so it's always nice to watch movies that make you think that love at first sight is actually possible.

I love card games, and I've always loved board games and stuff like that as a kid, and I think it's that part of your brain that's engaged in con movies. It's like this 'Who's outsmarting whom?'

I, as a fan of numerous TV shows and movies, know that people mess up. The characters that we love are not always going to act in the ways that we want them to. That's what makes them interesting.

I love a lot of comedy movies. I think I fell in love with comedy when I was younger. My brother and I would always sit down and watch some of the classics. 'Bottle Rocket' is one of my favorite comedies.

I love doing big movies. It's awesome! You have all these toys. The thing I like about this movie is, like they always say, directors have the biggest train sets! Don't tell anyone, but I'd do this for free.

If you lived in a provincial town like Torre Annunziata, where there was nothing to do in the evening but go to the movies with your friends, the cinema was a world of fantasy. I had always been in love with it.

When you're younger and you see something that really speaks to you, it's indelible in a way that's not the same as when you're an adult. So I'll always love reading books and making movies that resonate with young people.

I don't like being pigeonholed at all. It stemmed from after 'Mandy Lane': I was being offered all these horror movies. I love horror movies, but when I dreamed of being a director, it was always doing all sorts of things.

Escapism always has its place, but when movies connect to other things around us and suggest implications that haven't been considered before, that's a dividend, too, even when our love of movies becomes complicated as a result.

I love action films because I have grown up seeing some of the brilliant movies of the genre like 'Ghatak,' 'Ghayal,' 'Shiva.' Watching people doing such stunts had always mesmerised me and fascinated me to think that I should also do such things if I become a hero.

I think I have always tried to do the smaller films. I like to jump around and there is something really nice for acting in a smaller film. But I think now, Hollywood's movies certainly involve a younger generation for the most part and so... I love going back and forth.

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