I love playing live and creating these records that people are so into.

I live for being with the people I love and to live as happily as possible.

I love the 20 million people that live in my state and 100 million tourists.

Being among my people is a delight. We Jews live among ourselves. I love it.

So many people preach that they love fashion, but really it's what I live for!

I love the whole layout of Vancouver and the super-friendly people who live there.

People tell all sorts of lies in order to live. That enables friendships to form and love to blossom.

Some people are denizens of the studio. I'm more of a denizen of the live appearance. I love the live thing.

And all people live, Not by reason of any care they have for themselves, But by the love for them that is in other people.

I love what I live, and I live Islam, so I applied it to everything I do. I applied it to my rhymes, and I felt that I wanted the people to know what I knew.

I love this country very much, and I'm proud to live here, but I think our current administration is extreme. These are not merely conservative people, these are extreme right-wing people.

I love doing kitchen renovations where we're opening up the kitchen and creating open-concept main floors. I think that's one renovation that really changes the way people live in their homes.

I would love to have an ocean of love right now. That said, the number-one rule of acting is, 'Do not seek approval from the audience.' People don't realize that. You can't do stuff to get applause. You have to live in the truth.

It's true that cilantro has a strange, strong flavor. People seem to love it or not like it at all. Even I didn't like it at first when I had it in Peru. But I got used to it - it's hard not to in South America - and now I can't live without it.

You cannot be worrying about what other people think. You have to be sure that what you do is what you love to do, because if you love it, maybe another hundred thousand people might love it, too. Some other people might not like it, but it doesn't matter, because you have to express what you want to express. You only live once.

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