I love Larry Kramer's advocacy, and I love him as a person, and I think young people need to see that story.

Particularly when you're young, you're terribly flattered by people who like you, so you think you love them.

When I talk to other young people, I try to be as straightforward as possible. I'm a kid. I love getting outdoors. You should get outside, too!

I think a lot of people try to be someone else, and Young Thug really is who he is. I love his melodies, how he dresses, how he carries himself.

Young people everywhere have been allowed to choose between love and a garbage disposal unit. Everywhere they have chosen the garbage disposal unit.

I'm such a fan of the Obamas in general, and I love how dignified and charismatic and how intelligent they are. They are so warm and kind and encouraging, especially of young people, and I really love seeing that.

Cody Rhodes and The Young Bucks had never done a show on television, yet they were able to draw a show with 11,000 people to suburban Chicago. Just based on word of mouth and through the love of wrestling they spread.

Young people are fascinated with the idea of love, maybe because they haven't experienced it. The older you get, the more jaded you become with this, like, mystical love thing. It's not as exciting because it's not unknown.

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