Drama sells more than the truth.

Part of being young is making mistakes.

It's nonstop Ben Harper in my apartment.

What we do to animals, we do to ourselves.

We have such an amazing future ahead of us.

My mom's the strongest, boldest woman I know.

I make all my body lotions by just mixing oils.

My love for animals started before I can remember.

If I had more confidence, I would rock a crop top.

I've never really made a big deal out of my birthday.

I'm animal obsessed! I basically have a farm in my house.

Tina Fey could run this country before Sarah Palin could!

At the age of 21, I had never even stepped on a treadmill.

My dad designed houses and was an architect for many years.

We live in a world where sort of nothing is shocking anymore.

When you date someone who loves the outdoors, it's inspiring.

I'm into outdoor sports like hiking, windsurfing, water-skiing.

I feel like every day of my life is a funny wardrobe malfunction!

What do I geek out over? I mean, totally, I geek out over Hanson. Duh.

Animals don't have a voice, so I think it is our job to give them one.

I learned how to change a cloth diaper on a raccoon, i was maybe 8 or 9.

For some reason, young girls, they don't want the guy that's just there.

I learned how to change a cloth diaper on a raccoon. I was maybe 8 or 9.

Reusing and recycling our materials is the most important thing we can do.

I guess the older I get, the more understanding and forgiving I've become.

There is still so much drama in my life, but I'm not a sad person anymore.

Some of the greatest moments in life come from moments that are incomplete.

I was a very sensitive kid who then had to condition myself to desensitize.

Jackson [Rathbone] is the most artsy, creative and, I think, the most talented.

For the most part, I try to stay away from high fructose corn syrup and citric acid.

I have speakers all over my house because music is such a huge, huge part of who I am.

My brother and I had a lot of freedom growing up, and thankfully, we both turned out OK.

I don't know if I'm supposed to say this, but probably not... I was a really cynical child.

I've always loved music and felt connected to it, but was too afraid to explore that avenue.

People send everyone hate mail. That's the way the world works right now, I'm nothing special.

I always wanted to be a makeup artist. When I don't get to have my stylist, I do my own makeup!

My name is not big enough for people to go, 'Let me throw money at you because you're so famous!'

People definitely wait outside my house, hotel, apartment, whatever, asking for hugs or autographs.

I mostly eat plant-based, so give me an avocado or something, even late at night, and I'll be happy.

My dad is a man that, for as long as I can remember, has kept a book of favorite things his kids say.

I love jewellery, and the idea of having something you've created become tangible is really exciting.

My dad's Jewish and my mum is Christian, so I grew up with no religion. Just whatever religion I wanted.

I have nobody. I have surrounded myself with people who are fake just because I need to talk to somebody.

At the end of the day, that's our sole purpose and our sole reason for existing, is to love somebody else.

I have a long-standing relationship with Autism Speaks. I've been supporting them for many, many years now.

People think that saving the planet or finding their place in that effort is a really overwhelming thought.

I enjoy feeling physically strong, so maybe I'd like to be able to lift a building and launch it at someone.

My goal is to play characters that I feel I can contribute to and also ones I can contribute back to my life.

The great thing about Adele is if you put her on top volume, you actually sound like her while you're singing.

I do a lot of reading about food and the food industry, so I try to eat locally and go to the farmer's market.

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